Monday, 14 October 2019

Our weekly meal plan! 14th - 20th October. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went OK. I swapped a few days around but we ate everything. 

I failed a bit with the weekly food shop. I was coming down with a cold when I ordered it on Thursday and had no interest in spending time in the kitchen. I still have a snotty nose but I feel much better now. This week is going to be all about lazy, can't be bothered cooking. I don't care, the less time I spend preparing food the less chance I have passing my germs on.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Tomato soup with ham sandwiches to dip in.
Tuesday - Jacket potatoes with baked beans.
Wednesday - Chicken nuggets, chips and baked beans.
Thursday - Broccoli pasta.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Burgers in buns with fries.
Sunday - A casserole of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. I hope your feeling better and enjoy your week with out too much cooking sounds great to me x

  2. my kids would eat chicken nuggets every day if I let them. I like to make my own sometimes, getting the kids to help with the batter and then we have a production line, one dipping in egg, one in flour, one in batter then pass on to me to put in the hot oil. Although, generally it's just Boo helping me now. ...must get on with my meal plan, I'm late again. x

  3. I love dipping ham sandwiches in tomato soup - I thought it was just me! #MMBC

  4. A yummy week planned. We sometimes do toasted cheese & ham sandwiches with soup for a decadent accompaniment!!! #MMBC

  5. That broccoli pasta looks really good! I've almost always got ALL of the ingredients in for that too so I'm going to bookmark it - thank you.

    Thanks for linking up and I hope you're having a wonderful week xx

  6. I often make up a weekly menu and end up swapping out what days I cook each meal on based on what I actually feel like eating or preparing. Lately I've realized I'm planning so many meals that appeal to me and my husband but not so much to my kids. I have to get better at planning with everyone one in mind.

  7. Sounds like a tasty week. We had Sausage and mash today and doing a chilli tomorrow. Haven't thought any further ahead than that. #MMBC

  8. I've never tried ham sandwiches dipped in tomato soup but now I want to - sounds lovely ! Glad to hear you'e on the mend and I hope you feel better very soon xx

  9. There's nothing like tomato soup. It's the ultimate comfort food on a chilly day! #MMBC
