Friday 31 July 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Change! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has been a nice week here. We're seem to be just plodding along getting on with life. There didn't seem much to write about until I started writing this blog post.

I use "Blogger" to blog and they are slowly changing to a new interface. I tried it a little while ago and couldn't insert any photos which was a known issue and they have fixed that so yesterday I decided to give it another go to write this blog post. It's a no from me at the moment. I can't get the text size right. The large which I've always used is too large and the normal seems too small. The size I've used since I started blogging isn't an option anymore. I soon made a return to the "old blogger" which is still an option at the moment. I am going to leave it until they force me to change over to the new one and hope they've tweaked things and fixed everything that people are complaining about.

Ellie had a day out with her best friend and her mum on Wednesday. They went to the beach and she had the best time. They went on speedboat, had chips, played in the sand and sea and went on fairground rides. I sent her with just over £25 and of course she didn't bring home any change. I would say that isn't bad but she had her lunch and drinks bought for her. lol She came home and talked for over an hour about what they got up to. She was one happy girl.

I thought I'd have a quiet day on Wednesday but Becky's girlfriend "A" came over. They were sat watching TikTok videos and giggling. I sent them outside. lol They were doing my head in. I did tell them that in the nicest possible way. I was feeling rather stressed with Ellie having her first proper day out and led me to me feeling anxious. I know Ellie's friends mum would take care of her but after being in lockdown for however many weeks it is a big change to get my head around. I know the virus is still out there but we have to get back to some sort of normal.

Stu had a change to his working hours this past week. We have got used to having a lazy morning, us not getting up until 9am but a couple of days this past week Stu has had to be at work for half seven which means we've said goodbye to our lazy mornings. If he wakes up I do too then if I'm up everyone is up including the kids. Becky got a lie in yesterday. I told her to get up when I left the house at 10am and when I got home, coming on for midday she was still in bed. Grr! 

There has been a change in weather too. The rain seems to have gone and the sunshine is back. It's supposed to be gorgeous here over the weekend so I can see a change in our meal plan happening. I am quite fancying a BBQ tonight.


  1. yes, it's definitely BBQ weather, I have all the stuff ready just in case...fingers crossed it stays warm all day, and I'll have to send Graham out for fresh buns/baps/rolls. I hate it when a program I use changes, moving from Blogger to Wordpress was my biggest challenge, but you get through it all eventually. It's a pain when there are bugs though. I'm glad the girls are having more fun. It is scary going out and doing normal things. We did it for the first time yesterday, but I think we picked the best place to go. x

  2. I've just done my first blogpost on the new blogger - it's definitely more fiddly. It'll take some getting used to ! Sounds like the girls have been having fun. It's absolutely boiling here today, total heatwave weather, so we're all doing absolutely nothing ! lol

  3. Ellie's day out sounds absolutely fabulous. I'm trying to make sure the children see their friends, but the virus hasn't gone away, so it is a difficult balancing act. A different kind of normal. I hope the Blogger issues are sorted. So annoying when you have to change the way you work, for little advantage. Bit of a shock having an early start. Hope next week is easier. #wotw

  4. Aww glad Ellie enjoyed her day out :D The weather is lovely, hopefully we can do a BBQ this weekend Karen - Early Rising Mum

  5. Glad Ellie had a nice day out. I can imagine you must have been anxious - it is such a big step after all the restrictions. Boo to losing your lazy mornings. It's a pain when things change their interface isn't it? Wordpress had a big change some time ago with their editor and I never did manage to get to grips with it. Thankfully I have a plugin that gives me the old interface. It's been lovely having the sunshine back again hasn't it? :-) #WotW

  6. That's a shame that the new blogger set up is annoying to use. I'm the worst for fighting change once I'm used to a way of doing things! I use Wordpress myself and find it quite straightforward, so keeping my fingers crossed that there aren't too many changes made in the future. I hope you managed to have a BBQ in the sunshine! We'll possibly do the same tonight. The weather is just too good to waste :) #WotW
