Friday, 3 July 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Hectic! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I seem to have had a busy week with one thing and another, I seem to have got very little done from my to do list and it got to the point yesterday when everyone wanted my time and all I wanted was time to myself. I can only describe this week as hectic. It hasn't been a bad week, there has been lots of lovely moments but I am looking forward to a quiet, relaxed weekend. 

I can't even remember what we last weekend. I know we didn't go to the local auction even though it's open again. We don't want to sit in a large room with other people giving the fact the virus is still out there despite others acting like it's not. We visited on the viewing day and put some bids in and Stu rang up on Monday and it turns out we won 2 lamp shades for £2. One which was the exact colour of our newly painted kitchen and we have put the other in the bathroom. I spotted one almost the same on the Dunelm website for £10 so I think we got a bargain!

Stu finished off painting the kitchen and it looks amazing! It looks like a totally different room to what it was a couple of weeks ago. The white tiles make such a difference from the orange one's.

On Monday Ellie's friend came for a visit. They haven't seen each other since she popped over to pick up some xbox games on the Saturday before the lockdown started so they've had some catching up to do. It was lovely to see Ellie's friend, I've actually missed here popping in after school or coming calling for Ellie. They spent a few hours together and did well at keeping their distance. They've already started making plans for the next few weeks when they might be able to get to the park to play.

Most of my week has been taken up with helping my dad with computer problems and technical advice. I love him to bit's but he is hard work and has left my head aching. I have seen him every day this week to help him with different computer things. It has seemed just like when one thing was sorted another thing would pop up. He gets frustrated because he doesn't know how to do things on the computer and I get frustrated because I could do what he needs doing for him but he wants to learn to do it himself. He's needed things scanning, his scanner is being stupid and he had problems setting something set up on his laptop. It turns out it wasn't him being a computer dummy it was the website and after a call to their customer support he finally got it sorted. I know he's busy over the weekend so I am looking forward to a break from the phone calls asking for help.

Becky's girlfriend usually comes to visit on a Wednesday but we had to say not this week. We seem to have been so busy so she's coming tomorrow and she can actually come into the house with the lock down rules changing. They will still be keeping their distance though. 

Yesterday I was glad of a rainy, wet day so I could stay in my PJ's, catch up on the housework, some blogging and finally play a bit of The Sims which I've been meaning to do all week.


  1. You have had a busy week! I hope next week is a bit calmer for you! x #wotw

  2. I hope you manage to get your relaxed weekend. It's amazing how much time computer issues can take up. I'm so glad that your home is coming together now and you got a bargain with those lamp shades for sure! x

  3. I hope you've put your feet up today Kim! Especially now that you can sit back and appreciate your beautifully decorated house :) I have the exact same frustrations at times with my own parents. I need to learn to be more patient, but it's not one of my top skills! #wotw

  4. I really like your new light shades. Good shape. Lucky that one matches your kitchen. Should be easy to spray another colour if you change your mind. I can completely understand the frustration with helping others with their computers. Even harder when they are related to you. Hope it's all sorted now. Hope the weekend is a peaceful one for you. #wotw

  5. That does sound like a very busy week! I hope you're managing to find some time this weekend to relax and have some time for you. Helping with technical problems can be frustrating at times - we have the same with my in-laws and there are definitely times that I want to just do it for them and save time! I love your newly painted kitchen - the blue and white looks so good. How lovely for Ellie to see her friend and hope Becky enjoys spending time with her girlfriend today. #WotW
