Saturday, 4 July 2020

Week 27 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

I have had a busy week. My time has mostly been taken up with helping my dad with things on his computer. Who'd have thought setting up a card reader for his business would have been such a faff but he is trying to keep himself and others safe by doing contactless payments. My head was done in by last night. I am so glad it's the weekend and my dad will be busy for the weekend with non-computer related things. hehehe

Now for a photo every day!

My teen wearing shorts and my newly painted kitchen.
Poppies in my front garden and my girls newly dyed hair.
A vase with sunflowers and other random flowers in
2 packets of sausage rolls and my youngest playing on the computer.

179/366 - 27th June
Becky has started wearing shorts. It is such a big deal because up until recently she was so paranoid about showing off her legs. I feel so proud that she is caring less about what others think of her.

180/366 - 28th June
We finished painting the kitchen! Painting tiles are a nightmare. It looks amazing now though so was well worth all of the effort.

181/366 - 29th June
The poppies are new! They seem to have came from nowhere in our front garden. They are so pretty.

182/366 - 30th June
Both the girls had a change in hair style this past week. Ellie wanted some purple added to the ends of her hair and Becky did her own and added the red over the green which was just about washed out. It looked like someone had been murdered in my bathroom and she spent a good half hour scrubbing it clean. 

183/366 - 1st July
I got some reduced flowers from the local shop. I paid a pound and they were reduced from £5. Stu has just told me that was the second reduction and they were originally £8. Such a great bargain!

184/366 - 2nd July
More reduced goodies, this time sausage rolls. I paid 54p from £1.35 and the Co-op one's are so good.

185/366 - 3rd July
Ellie had finished her school work so I said she could play on the computer and she went straight on the Sims to do a bit of building.

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  1. lots of lovely flowers this week, and well done Becky for wearing shorts. I used to be so self conscious of me legs when I was her age too. Just watch she doesn't start wearing ultra mine skirts next, lol x

  2. I meant 'mini' skirts, not mine...I don't wear skirts :)

  3. I'm impressed with you sorting out your dad's IT. You must be relieved to get a break from it. Well done to Becky for wearing shorts. It's just a shame when young people feel they can't wear certain things. She looks great in them. Love the red hair too, but can just imagine the mess in your bathroom!

  4. I feel your pain with the hair dye, how does it get everywhere. The end result looks great. Well done helping your Dad, we are tech support for my parents too

  5. Ooh I do love sausage rolls. Those flowers were a real bargain. I'm missing buying flowers, because I'm not actually in the shops to buy any. Our local shops aren't selling them at the moment as it's another things for them to cope with on top of all the restocking everything else.

  6. Well done to Becky for wearing shorts - it can be difficult at that age. Had to giggle about the bathroom - I hope the girls thought it was worth it.

  7. Well done to Becky on wearing shorts and starting to care less about people’s opinions. Love the girls’ coloured hair (I can imagine the scene in the bathroom afterwards!) and the poppies are so pretty. That bouquet of flowers is a bargain for £1. #project366

  8. Wow, love the hair - the girls definitely take after you ! lol. The flavours are really pretty and such a great price. Same for the sausage rolls. The kitchen looks fab and I'm glad you managed to sort your dad out :)

  9. You're so clever to sort out Dad's IT. Why did Becky worry about wearing shorts? They really suit her.
    Eek, I can imagine the state of the bathroom after all that red. You had lots of lovely bargains this week. The sunflowers are so pretty, and Co-Op sausage rolls are tasty, especially hot. Haven't bought them in ages, but I remember I could easily eat the whole lot. The poppies are gorgeous!

  10. Glad she cleaned the bathroom up behind herself, nice to see the younger one venturing into hair dye. They both look great.
    Nice to get a bargain

  11. Nicely done on finishing the kitchen, such refreshing colours! How fabulous having poppies growing in your garden, they seem to be out in force everywhere right now, absolutely gorgeous! As are the sunflowers and what an absolute bargain! Hope you are all having a lovely week! Sim x

  12. I'm impressed with you sorting out your dad's IT. What a star. Well done to Becky for wearing shorts, I am not a fan of wearing them myself. She looks fab in them. Oh my bathroom gets spots everywhere from dying my hair a reddy colour x

  13. I have been debating whether to paint my tiles as fancy a change.

    The poppies are lovely and those flowers are a bargain!! The dyed hair looks great

  14. Becky you look lovely in your shorts! You have done a great job painting the tiles, I tried once in our bathroom and made a right mess. Fab hair girls, nice they clean up the mess too.

  15. My MIL loves getting cutdown prices but we never seem to go at the right time of day to get any bargains :( I have never dyed my hair so am in awe of your daughters! #project366

  16. The poppies look lovely and match Becky's hair! So cool that you and your daughters try out fancy hair dyes. Wow, I should learn bargaining from you!

  17. Yay well done Becky thats a lesson I could do with learning! Love all the sunflowers what an absolute bargain too. I really want to die my hair! May do it for the summer when I have some time off work
