Thursday, 9 July 2020

We're expanding our social bubble.

I have felt the last 3 and a half months or so have flown over during lock down. What is it called now? It's not really lock down as everything seems to be opening back up. The shops, restaurants and pubs. Ugh, but life still doesn't seem back to anything that I would class as normal.

We have stuck by all the rules and to be honest we have felt cheated. We moved here last summer to spend time with my dad and since March we have hardly seen him. I have spoken on the phone every day but it's not the same as spending time with him. We have kept our distance to keep him safe as he is classed as elderly with him being over 70 but at the same time he's kept his distance to keep the kids safe because of their heart issues

Up until a few weeks ago we had no one visiting apart from my dad looking and signing things through the window or seeing friends on the other side of the street waving hello when one of us went to the shop.

Things changed a few weeks ago when some restictions were lifted and Becky's girlfriend has been visiting every week since Every time "A" had visited it seemed like the weather was against her and my teen. It rained and then the one week it wasn't raining it was one of the hottest days of the year. Thank goodness for our garage being so big and when you fling the doors open it's a big space. With more restrictions being lifted over the weekend she visited and I let her in our house but made sure we all kept our distance. I am so proud of Becky & "A" staying apart from each other as I know they want to hug each other so much. I know "A" hasn't been mixing with people and has kept herself safe so I feel safe having her here. 

This week my dad and his partner have visited too! They haven't been in here since before the lock down started and they had a lot to see with all the decorating we've been doing. They were well impressed, especially with the garden and everything I've grown. It was so nice to have my dad here. We have visited him in his garden but having him here in my home feels special. Even when I was helping my dad out last week with his computer issues we stayed outside, under a gazebo at one point when it was raining. Thank goodness for wi-fi and even more so this week while my dad has had issues with his. He would have been lost without using mine. The kids have loved seeing him and it has been amazing having him here.

The last people we're letting into our little bubble are Ellie's best friend "R" and her mum! I have felt so sad for Ellie not seeing "R" since the last day they were at school. Since just about Ellie's first day at her new school last September they've been as thick as thieves. It has been hard for Ellie. She understands that she had to stay home and away from people but it didn't stop her missing her bestie! They have been out over this week for a walk, R has been here and Ellie has been to her house for tea. 

I have told the kids to stay away from the park because I don't know what they'll pick up. Call me paranoid but it's not her that I don't trust it's other people. The same for Becky, she has asked to meet up with friends in town but I really don't want her sitting on the bus with people who may not have been playing by the rules like we have.

We are taking things slowly at the moment. We still haven't been to any shops apart from the little one's locally and we won't be visiting any restaurants or pubs anytime soon.

Are you mixing with people now?


  1. Schools here went back just over a month ago so that meant that I had to go back to work, taking the bus every day back and forth. I'd say about a quarter of passengers don't play by the rules, refusing to wear a mask, which does annoy me, but what can you do? A bus driver was killed for taking on a passenger who didn't follow the rules, which is shocking. I've been out to a restaurant twice with a friend and took the kids to McDonald's twice, and it's not bad - they do keep you pretty well distanced. I'm feeling OK about going for walks on the beach and in town as it's not too busy, but having seen pictures of mad crowds in the UK, I don't know - somehow it doesn't seem like the same mentality and I definitely wouldn't be up for going out in that lot !

  2. Such a strange time but hope more freedom now X

  3. Its so strange isn't it! We have been seeing my mum and she has had Ethan to give us a break every now and then. Little E is back at school so we have been mixing with our school friends on the school walk but we are all in a 'bubble' now. Darren has been taking care of the food shopping but today I went in with him to get milk. We have also been going out on Sundays either to the zoo or park. This is because I need to push myself otherwise I would never leave the house again. I don't like people seeing close to me though and will move out if the way. I'm in no rush to go into town.

  4. I’m in Scotland so we seem to be about 3 weeks behind you with the easing although children under 12 don’t need to socially distance with anyone. I do think it must be so hard for children and teenagers as they need to socialise with other kids. I bet your Dad was so pleased to finally be allowed to see you indoors.

    My Mum is in our bubble but if I’m honest I’ve been seeing her for the past 3 months. When we were given the news that my Dad was dying I went round to visit him at hospital and then when he came home. It was only a week and a half from being told he was ill and dying so I’ve been supporting my Mum through all this. I hadn’t been going out and we were both furloughed so I guessed the risks were minimal and I think my Mum needed the company during this difficult time.

  5. Apart from N's tennis which started the other day, I've still not been out to see people although did go to National Trust. Next Sunday we'll be goin over to family for a birthday dinner which is naughty because it's a big family and while the men have all been mixing on the farm, 2 of the nephews have been working throughout. I think it'll be outside, so easier to sit apart. I keep debating about organising to meet up with friends, but I'm not sure. The village organised a socially distance rounders match for the kids which they're all happy to do. But many of them have been in school in bubbles, and have probably been having play dates. We've not been doing anything. We're outside the village so there's less feeling like we should join in.
