Saturday 18 July 2020

Week 29 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

The school year finished for us yesterday and I am glad it's over. I am not cut out for this home schooling lark and neither is Ellie. In September all the teachers deserve a massive pay rise. We had word from school that everyone will be returning in September with new rules put in place like a one way system around the school and everyone will stay in their class bubble. The biggest difference that Ellie isn't too happy about is that no food will be served at break time, only lunch time. It will save me a fortune, no more bacon or sausage sandwiches to pay for as a snack. lol

We've had a good week, Ellie didn't do much school work but the girls have been kept busy. We've baked, done some work in the kitchen, they've been to the park and on a couple of bike rides.

Now for a photo every day!

Diet coke chicken and rice and my youngest ready to go to the park.
One girl playing on Fortnite on the xbox and winning and the other playing on her tablet.
My back garden having the grass cut and a packet of Fajita mix.

193/366 - 11th July
I made diet coke chicken and rice for tea. I sort of followed the recipe from Pinch of Nom but ended up cooking it in the slow cooker. I left the lid of it for the last hour for the sauce to thicken up. It was so good! 

194/366 - 12th July
Dressed in real clothes on a Sunday, miracles do happen! I let the kids go to the park for the first time since before lock down and they have a brilliant time and they had the park to themselves.

195/366 - 13th July
One playing on Fortnite on the xbox and winning and the other playing on her tablet.

196/366 - 14th July
I cut the grass in the back garden for the first time ever. I have done the front garden before but the back garden is usually Stu's job. With all the rain we've had it was a little overgrown. My arms were aching when I had finished.

197/366 - 15th July
Fajitas for tea. I cheat and use a ready made mix. It is one of our favourite ever meals, I even enjoy cooking it!

198/366 - 16th July
More watermelon has been cut up. My girls are obsessed with it at the moment. I found myself Googling "can you eat too much watermelon?". You can but you have to eat a lot of it, more than my two have been eating. Phew!

199/366 - 17th July
My dad's fish were going crazy when we walked past his pond, splishing and splashing. They must have been happy to see us. lol.

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  1. N loves watermelon too. I'm not a fan - all those seeds and theres no real taste. Love other melon varieties though. That chicken in diet coke looks really good. I fancy trying it, but not sure they'll eat it here.

  2. Love Ellie's expression where she's playing on Fortnite! How lovely that they got to go to the park - and had it to themselves. I quite like cutting the grass, but my husband is doing it most of the time at the moment, while I do the weeding, which I really hate doing!

  3. We have cooked chicken in coke quite a few times, nice in Dr Pepper as well.
    Glad they are getting out, our park has been quite busy lately.
    She seems very happy while playing the game

  4. I must admit I use a ready mix when I do Mexican too. I'm not even sure what spices they use. Glad the watermelon is proving popular - a healthy snack too. I bet Ellie is happy to have broken up.

  5. I enjoy watermelon when it is so hot and helps keep me refreshed X

  6. Lots of fun photos - your food made me hungry - I haven't had breakfast yet! #MMBC

  7. I cook lamb in cook in the slow cooker, beer with beef makes a lovely gravy, coke not so much. I think not serving snacks at break time is actually a good idea, we never had that option when I was in secondary school, it cost me a fortune with the kids and they only ate junk food during the day

  8. My kids love watermelon too. So do I. It is my favourite melon. We have done gammon in diet coke, but not chicken. That looks good xx

  9. I use those Fajita mixes as well, though haven't made any recently. Your chicken dish sounds tasty. I love watermelon, and a salted version is lovely too.
    Love Ellie's expression, when she's gaming. I sighed with great relief that the home-schooling is over, it was a real palaver.

  10. It is nice to be on summer holiday now and not have the pressure of home-schooling. That diet coke chicken looks yummy – might have to try making it myself at some point. Love the photo of your girls sitting together on the sofa playing on the Xbox and tablet. I’m not surprised your arms were aching after cutting the grass in the garden – it’s hard work when the grass is so long. We love fajitas too and have also been eating a lot of watermelon. #project366

  11. I love watermelon, especially when the weather is hot outside. My kids are excited that their bubbles will be bigger when they go back, but they just want everything back to normal

  12. I have seen cola recipes for meat, wonder if it works on tofu! The sauce looks good. Happy and relaxed faces on the girls, love it! #project366

  13. The cola chicken sounds and looks good. I have never tried cooking with cola... but Ive heard so many good things. My eldest loves watermelon too and would happily eat it constantly. Well done on the grass thats most definitely a blue job in our house x

  14. Schools will certainly be very different in September!

    Oh will have to give diet coke chicken a try!

    Watermelon is one of my favs too!

  15. Diet cola chicken it looks fabulous, I will have to get my husband to try this. That's good they are enjoying eating something so healthy with the watermelon! My boys were too keen on chocolate and biscuits this lockdown, need to coax them to eat more fruit! x

  16. Colleges and schools here will also open in September. Great that the girls have been busy. Diet coke chicken? How does that work? True, I've made it a habit of wearing 'real clothes' as compared to wearing pajamas all day. OoOooO fajitas and watermelons!
