Thursday, 12 June 2014

The World Cup!!

There are some dates you just know, aren’t there? The Battle of Hastings 1066....Neil Armstrong walking on the moon (apparently) 1969....The Great Fire of London 1666 and then there’s 1966.....The first, last and only time that England have won the World Cup......

Can we do it again?

Today see's the start of the World Cup....

I'm not much of a football fan....I don't like or dislike it....I don't follow any particular team....It kinds of bores me but the World Cup is different.....There is the hype surrounding it and it sucks you in.....Even I'm getting excited about it....I will probably be watching the England matches....Only to know what people are talking about on

The Games....Round One!!

June 14 – 11pm - England v Italy
June 19 – 8pm - England v Uruguay
June 24 – 5pm - England v Costa Rica 

Will you be watching the football?


  1. It was also the year I was born :) I will have to watch because the family will be!

  2. Not until the last few matches. Then we'll probably watch and get excited. We always join in at the end :)

  3. would love to join in!!! the timing is perfect!

  4. Football bores the hell out of me but like you I do find the World Cup to be different. I don't watch much of the matches though as after a while I do get tired of it. However, getting into all the hype is fun and there's nothing wrong with that! Real footy fans will probably hate me for what I just said :)

    1. It is hard not to get into all the hype of it....If you can't beat them join

  5. Will be watching, even if I don't know the offside rule!


  6. We will be - even if I don't know the offside rule!

    Kim - have been trying to post comments through my wordpress account but they don't seem to show up - are they making it through at all?


    1. Yep they're coming through....I have the messages moderated so they don't show up until they're approved by me :/
