Thursday, 24 April 2014

Don't build a den...

What is this world coming to.....When I was young I used to play outside all of the time.....I climbed trees, swam in rivers and built many dens and tree houses with my brother and friends!!!

I read a news article earlier on in the week where a group of girls building a den during the Easter holidays were reported for antisocial behaviour and told to move on by police...

The police received complaints about teenage girls hanging around in the woodlands and they approached the girls and told them to pull the den down and leave the woods. The girls had been reported by dog walkers.....

"They had no drink, drugs or loud music - they had pop and crisps from Asda which they'd had the foresight to buy on their way as they knew it'd be a long day.....


All the time people complain that all teens do is sit in front of video games or hang around street corners in gangs.....Then when a group of teens do a bit of old fashioned den building people still complain! I guess now no matter what teens do they are going to get in trouble for anti-social behaviour.....

All the time you hear the previous generation say "in my day we would play out, build dens, be out all hours, only came home when the street lights came on" yet this is what kids get when they try...It is such a sad reflection of society that teenagers doing anything in groups anywhere is immediately seen as suspicious and worthy of police action....

I do wonder how many serious crimes occurred while the police were busy dealing with the so serious crime of den building..... Obviously there's too many police officers available in this areas where kids are being moved on by the police for having innocent fun.....


  1. I saw this article and thought it was a shame too! xx

    Quite Frankly She Said - UK Lifestyle Blog

  2. Kids aren't left with many options anymore. If they are outside doing the things we used to do, they are suspicious. If they are inside, trying to play board games and such, they are being loud and frustrating to their parents. Thus, playing video games and hiding behind their computers is all they have left. It is no wonder kids don't get out and socialize with real people. It really is sad that this world has turned this way.

  3. I can't believe this! We should be encouraging them, not complaining to the police. Really sad state of affairs.

  4. I saw this and thought it was awful. Kids are so demonised these days, surely we should be glad theyre doing something so innocent?! xx

  5. This is terrible, they aren't doing any harm :( Such a shame x

  6. A sign of the times sadly :( this happened to us as kids, w all built a den and the council burnt it down the bastards! Even the good kids get tarnished with the same brush it seems... xx

  7. That is so harsh, poor kids! We love a good den in our family.x

  8. This is so sad and it makes me cross that our kids don't have the same freedom as we did at their age!

  9. Madness isn't it. How are kids ever going to appreciate the countryside if we don't let them go out and enjoy it.
