Wednesday, 2 April 2014


You must of been living under a rock if you don't know about Frozen!! I would go as far to say it is even better than Toy Story......

My girls of course love it and if I had a pound for every time I've heard one of the songs off it I would be a rich woman!! We managed to get an app on the tablet called Cartoon HD and they have watched it over and over....

I watched it for the first time properly on Sunday.....I have seen bits of it but not all of it all the way through before.....What a lovely film.....The girls new it nearly word for word and towards the end kept looking at me to see if I was crying.....hehehe

There are so many gorgeous, beautiful scenes and it just amazes me what can be done with technology these days.....The Disney films of 2013 make the Disney films of my generation look like child’s play.....The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Cinderella, etc

In addition to the feast for your eyes that takes place on the screen the story line itself is fantastic.....Frozen is full of life lessons as most Disney movies are but this time around, the villains aren’t who you expect....hehehe

And Olaf the Snowman....Aww!! He is so cute and funny!! He is selfless & sweet....Plus, there’s a moment where he says, “Some people are worth melting for,” which is just precious!!

Oh and the music....We've had the album for a while and we love all of the songs.....The girls know every word of them!!

But did you know.....

Disney Frozen is based on “The Snow Queen” – the fairy tale by Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen and Prince Hans is named after him!!

Jennifer Lee – the Co-director of Disney’s FROZEN – is the first female director to have directed a full-length Disney animated movie. No female director has ever directed a Disney animated movie before.

A live & living reindeer was brought into the Disney studios for all the animators to observe the movements and the mannerisms of reindeer so they could get the reindeer character Sven just right!!

The film took up to four years to develop and complete!!

The film’s setting is inspired by the landscapes of Norway, and Wyoming during the winter season.

Idina Menzel the voice of Elsa in Frozen originally auditioned for a role in Tangled.

The Do You Want To Build a Snowman scene & song almost wasn't in the movie. 

Have you seen Frozen yet? Have your kids? What did you think of it?


  1. I just downloaded this yesterday for the Apple TV it is fab. xx

  2. We watched this for the first time at the weekend and I have to say I loved it! The songs are amazing, I had tears in my eyes at quite a few points!

  3. My little boy has been learning Let It Go at school & this has triggered a massive obsession with the film, I've seen it 5 times in the last month, it's one of the best new Disney films for a while!!

    1. It is one of the best....Aww! My girls would love to learn it at school....

  4. We never watched this. You motivated me to give it a go with my girl. :)

  5. we went to cinema and my kids love them!

  6. We haven't seen it yet. But it looks like this is one we should try. Potato is a bit young to sit through a film at the moment but he might enjoy this one

  7. I think what I liked best about the film was the fact that *SPOILER* the love that saved Anna wasn't romantic love (as they led you to believe it was going to be) but sibling love. I cried at that point! my boys loved the film - they've already started begging me to buy it now it's out on DVD. #pocolo

    1. It's lovely isn't it....Makes a nice change x

  8. I haven't seen it. But my daughter has. She and her dad went on a date together. My husband thought that she was a bit too young for it (she just turned 3), so our household hasn't been hit by this Frozen craze yet :) #PoCoLo

    1. Aww! How lovely the dad & daughter date!!

  9. Frozen is brilliant, the girls love it! x

  10. I still haven't seen it!!! Gutted.
    My mum took the boys, been waiting for it to come out lol x

  11. I love that the female characters are strong and don't rely on men. Proper girl power! #PoCoLo

  12. We saw it at the cinema just before Christmas and we all loved it - even the boys! We've got the DVD now, but haven't watched it yet.

  13. Thanks to YouTube my kids knew ALL of the songs before they had even seen the film! I haven't sat and watched it all the way through but the storyline seems good, it's great that they showed us women don't always need a man to sweep to our rescue! It's amazing how many years these films take to produce! #PoCoLo

  14. Im missing out as always. Will rent it and see what the noise is all about.


  15. We LOVE this film in our house. Grace and I listen to the music when we are getting ready for school. I think this film gives out such a great message too. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
