Monday, 28 April 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hello Monday! 

It's going to be another mixed up week.....We have another appointment at the hospital for Ellie to have a hearing test (you can read about her hearing problems here) I think this appointment is a waste of time....

We were supposed to have a hearing test in March and to see her consultant but she was full of cold....Wednesday she's having a hearing test but we won't find out the results until we see the consultant in September!! That's the earliest appointment we can get with him...So this hearing test is just pointless....Nobody will know or care about the results until the are seen by the consultant and he's spoken to us in September!! The time the appointment is means Ellie is missing a full day of school as it takes us two hours to get to the hospital then the appointment then two hours back....Every time I tell them to make the appointment late afternoon but do the listen! No! Rant over.....At least it means McDonalds for tea...hehehe

This week on the menu we have....

Monday - Mini Cheese & Tomato Chicken Bites with Mediterranean rice...
Tuesday - Tuna Meatballs....
Wednesday - McDonalds on the way home from the hospital....
Thursday - Breakfast for tea - Sausages, bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans and scrambled eggs...

Friday - Fish finger pie....
 Saturday - Pizza.... 
Sunday - Minty lamb chops, new potatoes, peas and carrots....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. What is fishfinger pie! I have never heard of it. I do quite like fishfingers now too. Ugh to the long trek to the hospital and the huge wait between test and results. Do they try and slip you in earlier if they get a slot come up?

    1. Fish finger pie is fish fingers on the base covered in beans with mash on top and covered in cheese....I've never made it before but it's something different!
      No they don't usually give us cancellations but I will ask about it when we're there one Wednesday....It's worth a try :)

  2. Tuna is one thing I'd never thought to make into a meatball! Thanks for the idea x

  3. Sorry you're having a rubbish time of it. Hope things improve. Lovely sounding meal plan - fish finger pie sounds like something that I could REALLY get on board with.


    1. Ahhh we're ok....I'm just not looking forward to the bus ride there and back.....
      The fish finger pie is genius isn't it x
