Friday 1 May 2015

Making mountains out of molehills.... #WotW

This week my word of the week is....

In my head my problems and worries have been mountains when in reality they have only been molehills....

Last Friday lunchtime we thought Becky was missing....We got a phone call off the school saying she wasn't there....An automated message....Of course I blogged about it....In my head she had been kidnapped in reality the supply teacher had just made a mistake....I'm still waiting a reply back from the school about my complaint...

Our landlord hadn't renewed our tenancy agreement it was due to be renewed at the beginning of the year....I was worried about her increasing our rent or evicting us.....There was nothing at all to worry about she had just had a lot on and never got around sending it....Phew! Everything is signed and we have a home for another year!! The joys of renting!

We had Ellie's parents evening.....In my head she was the bottom of the class and still misbehaving.... She got her report at the end of March with the levels she was working at and they weren't great but it turns out they are not worth the paper they're printed on....She's now a level or two above what was sent out to us!! Hooray!! Her reading is amazing and she is one of the best in the class, her writing has improved greatly and as for her numeracy, she's doing fantastic!! I couldn't be more proud of her....She still likes to daydream but at least it isn't as much as before...She has been behaving well and I said to her teacher I wish she could have her next year too because with Miss T she has came on leaps and bounds...

Yesterday we were at the hospital for Ellie's yearly hearing test.....Last time we were there we were told she was now completely deaf in one ear and the tests now were to check to make sure her good ear is staying good.....I always worry about hospital appointments and think the worse....There of course was nothing at all to worry about....She's still deaf obviously but her good ear is working perfectly.....We're back again next year!!

I'm not the only one in my house making mountains out of molehills....Becky has hit that hormonal, tween stage.....Everything is a drama....Her attitude has been terrible and sometimes I just think she looks for an argument...I keep telling myself it's just a phase, it's just a phase, she will grow out of

So all in all it has been a good week....I need to worry less though!

The Reading Residence


  1. :) at least they have been molehills - sounds an eventful week, but glad things have turned out ok, and I had to smile at the tween stage and Harry Enfield's Perry was in my head! #wotw

    1. hahaha! That is exactly what she is like! The characters off Harry Enfield. lol
      Thank you!

  2. Oh yes, I need to worry less. Shall we try that together!! x

  3. Hope you get a response from your complaint soon, they are taking their time aren't they!
    Glad Ellie is getting along ok and it did make me smile about Becky,
    I'm dreading the 'Kevin and Perry' stage with my boys, just glad it will be sometime yet! :) x

    1. They are known to take their time but I will be complaining again if I don't hear anything soon!
      Thank you!

  4. Ahh Kim, bless you I always worry and make mountains out of molehills, I think it's programmed into us as women!

    Helen - #WotW

  5. I'm glad everything has turned out well, despite worrying about them. I can understand making mountains out of molehills, I am a worrier too. x

  6. Molehills are so much better than mountains, and it is hard not to worry when it's your kids. Glad all's well, though :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  7. So pleased everything has turned out okay :) I suggest a large glass of wine...

  8. Aww you do just worry sometimes though and then it's all ok!! The text from the school was a bit naff though. I'd have been so worried!! Glad all it is ok though now aprt from the strops hehe xx #wotw

  9. I hope the school send an apology soon! I easily jump to worse case scenario - the joys of being a parent ah? Glad everything came good though xx

  10. Awww... like you I worry too much on so many things but I think that is what we mothers are born to do, worry! I am so glad that Becky is not missing. I can only imagine how you felt when you got this message. #wotw

    1. Thank you! I think it's a woman

  11. That is terrible, how can they think a child is missing, I too make mountains out of molehills you are not on your own kim x

  12. I am glad everything has turned out to be a molehills, but I know what you mean about worrying, I am terrible for it, and worrying about things I don't even know will happen yet!! Gives me something to do it all that spare time (???) I have I suppose!

  13. I'm glad that each one of these turned out to be just molehills. Often we can make ourselves sick with worry, jumping to conclusions and making mountains out of molehills
    Glad to hear everyone and everything is ok

  14. Oh Hun, I think as parents we always worry more than we need to and it's only with hindsight that we can look back and laugh. Glad t hear it was a good week after all. Xx

  15. At least you can see you are over reacting :) It is so, so easy to jump to the wrong conclusions or as you say make more of them than is really needed. At least everything worked out OK in the end :).

    1. Yes, I suppose that is a good thing....Thank you!

  16. It sounds like you have had lots of things on your mind, I'm so glad you have had the answers for the things you have been waiting for x

    1. It's great....For now I am worry free! Thank you!

  17. I can totally relate to this one, I'm the same. What? You're not loving the hormonal tween age? No idea why not lol x #WotW

    1. No I'm I bet just as she grows out of it my youngest will start....Oh joy! Thank you!
