Friday, 15 May 2015

Motivated! My Word of the Week! #WotW

My Word of the Week this week is....

The kids have been great.....Ellie is behaving herself perfectly at school with the thanks to her behavior book and her teacher has said she can have a reward out of the treat box everyday she has a day at school without having to be told to concentrate or being told off for something.....She has been trying really hard, each day getting better and better.....Yesterday she got a full day of positives in her book....The chance of a reward has really motivated her.....

Becky has been less of a hormonal madam this week.....I told her I was writing a blog post about her about all the things I do which upset her and she was fine about it....I thought when she read it (before it went live) she wouldn't be as happy but I think it has made her realise how unreasonable and drama queen she is being.....It has motivated her to think about how she is behaving and has even started to bring her washing downstairs without being asked.... #Winning!

As for me it all seems to have been about blogging this week....Two of my giveaways ended which saw my little old blog have a ton of visitors which is always good....I try not to look at the stats but couldn't help myself and I was quite impressed.....It has helped me feel a lot more motivated....I wasn't unmotivated but this has given me an extra bit of oomph!

I seem to be inspired to write much so that I have 14 posts in my drafts....Some just with titles and my idea and others half written.....I don't know how many will make it onto the blog but they were ideas.....

Apart from blogging one of my other hobbies is entering competitions.....I have been in a bit of a slump lately. I haven't been winning which means I have been feeling less inclined to enter any comps but this last week or so has been fantastic! I won a surprise giveaway from Life As a Mum.....A bunch of flowers from Lets Talk Mommy.....Some Mason Drinking Jars from Twinderelmo and yesterday a £50 Amazon vouchers in a retweet competition on Twitter.....It's been spent already. lol I bought Ellie's main Christmas present! It has really motivated me to get back to entering the competitions after all there is only just over 7 months until Christmas....hehehe

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

The Reading Residence


  1. It was so lovely to see a familiar name win my competition!!! I try not to focus too much on stats but it is nice when it's going well x

  2. Wow sounding great all round :)

  3. Oh I'm envious of your #wotw. I'm the opposite. I've been so unmotivated, uninspired and all the rest of the "uns" ;) Hopefully it will all come back!

    1. Oh no! That's not good! I hope you get some of your motivation back x

  4. Ohh you've had a great week!! Glad you are feeling motivated :-) Great word.

    Helen - #WotW

  5. Ah you make me smile when you talk about your moody daughter! Bless! Glad you are so motivated. I love having loads of posts in draft...feels great. Well done on your stats and it's really making me motivated to enter more competitions now!! Xx #wotw

    1. Thank you! It does feel so good...Just have to finish writing them all now.

  6. Sounds like a good week. Great that the behaviour book is working for Ellie x

  7. Aaah you definitely had a lovely week and glad you are winning over Becky's drama, bless her. xx

  8. I love this positive post Kim. Sounds like your 'tween' post did Becky good, let's hope it continues. Sounds like Ellie is having a good week too!

    Really lovely post. xx

    1. Thank you! It has worked wonders so far....She's had a few moment but nothing compared to what she was like....

  9. Wow! what a fab week, I must get back into comping at some point.
    Have a great weekend x

  10. What a fantastic week. It's great when good things happen and motivate us even more :-)

  11. Great word and a fab week! Well done on the wins and the blog posts and so pleased the girls are happy and motivated, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  12. Sounds a great week all round - and well done on the wins too, but eek did you really just mention Christmas?! ;) #wotw

    1. Thank you! Yep I said the C word.....hehehe

  13. A really good week then! Christmas presents already? Now that's motivated!

    1. It was. The Christmas present is a big one so don't really want to give her it for her birthday. hehehe

  14. So lucky with the comps! Congrats!

    Sometimes it really put things in perspective when you write it. I think this is what happened to Ellie! Hope the being a good girl continues forever (& a day!) =)


  15. well done on the competition wins, I need to get back to entering. Glad you're feeling motivated.

  16. Go You, Go!! Sounds like you've had a fantastic week and everything is falling into place
    Hope it stays buoyant for you next week, too

  17. Sounds like a fab week. Well done to both of your girls, they sound like they're really maturing. Well done on the wins x #WotW
