Wednesday, 30 July 2014

A Little Make Up! #wickedwednesdays

After posting this photo on Instagram I was told I should join in with the Wicked Wednesdays linky.....So here I am...

Ellie was asleep or so I thought!

Suppose at least it was only her sisters eye shadow not permanent marker pen.....

I had an epic parenting fail.....I couldn't tell her off for laughing!


  1. This picture has made me LAUGH SO MUCH! As soon as I saw it I thought it was utterly amazing! She just looks so so so so happy! Oh I love it. I would have it framed. Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays and I look forward to seeing you again next week! xxx

  2. ha ha! I wanted a funny comment but cant think of one for keep scrolling back up and laughing some more! What a classic!! X
