Thursday, 24 July 2014

Pre-Pregnancy Bucket List...

A recent survey by OvuSense has made a list of the 25 things every woman should do before having a baby.

For the survey 1,000 women all of whom had had a baby in the past year or plan to have a baby in the next two years were asked what they'd put at the top of their pre-pregnancy to-do list.

Here it is...

1. Be married
2. Own my own house
3. Matured enough to be a mother
4. Have travelled
5. Cleared my debts
6. Completed further education / got qualifications
7. Have a garden
8. Been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday
9. Passed my driving test
10. Own a nice car
11. Have £10,000 in savings
12. Said goodbye to my party days
13. Lost weight
14. Earning £30,000
15. Reached management level
16. Got a long-awaited promotion
17. Reached the top of my game at work
18. Own my own business
19. Cut down on my alcohol intake
20. Earning £40,000
21. Paid off my student loan
22. Earning £50,000+
23. Moved back to be near my parents
24. Completed a sporting accomplishment
25. Earned enough to afford a nanny

What do you think?

Personally I think it's a load of rubbish.....I completed just two of those things before having

A lot of women and adults in general don't achieve this in their life....

I think the list implies that once you've had the children, your weight will go up, job prospects down, you won't have a chance of furthering your education, going on holiday or achieving anything....

My kids would never of been born if I waited to complete even half of that


  1. I think it is so so different for everyone. As much as you think you are 'planning' a family, sometimes life just happens and it isn't always as simple as crossing things off a list and then deciding now I can fit in having a baby! That said lots do prefer to have achieved certain things before starting a family. Personally having kids was always more important to me x x x x

  2. I agree with you -- there wouldn't be many children born if every woman had to achieve all this first! I would have done 9 on this list, but I didn't plan it that way :)

  3. I think i am not a risk taker so I did manage to have at least 12 of those. Again, it is depend if you meet the right man.

  4. This list is hilarious! You get the feeling that if people stuck to this list, the human race would die out fairly quickly!
    Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!
