Wednesday, 9 July 2014

National Transplant Week....

In case you didn't realise it is National Transplant week this week.....

Only 31% of us have joined the Organ Donor Register but more than 10,000 people in the UK currently need a transplant......Of these people 1000 each year - that's three a day - will die because there are not enough organs available.
Transplants are one of the most miraculous achievements of modern medicine. But they depend entirely on the generosity of donors and their families who are willing to make this life-saving or life-enhancing gift to others.

One donor can save the life of several people, restore the sight of two others and improve the quality of life of many more.

The more people who pledge to donate their organs and tissue after their death, the more people stand to benefit. By choosing to join the NHS Organ Donor Register you could help to make sure life goes on for many others

Joining the register records your agreement to the use of your organs and tissue for transplantation after your death.

When you register it is important that you tell those closest to you about your decision too.
When my girls were in hospital having open heart surgery I met a few families there.....Some who had children recovering from transplants....Others who had children who were very ill on the waiting list.....Through Facebook I have met quite a few 'heart mums' who raise awareness about organ donation...Many have children who have had heart transplants and there children would not be here without those transplants...There is also some who have lost their children because they just didn't get the organ in time....

Round about this time last year I blogged about Zoe's 5th Year Legacy! In a few days it will be 6 years since Zoe passed away but due to her having a transplant her family were able to spend more precious time with her...Her mother Julie is a wonderful woman who still campaigns and raises awareness of organ donation!!

If your child was ill and needed an organ transplant to live would you take one? Are you registered on the Organ Donor register? If you answer yes to the first you should definitely answer yes to the second... 

Please sign up and join the NHS Organ Donor Register!!


  1. I have been on the register since I was old enough, it is well known to everyone I hope, will have to check, that I am. It is on my driving license too I think or something like that. I don't really see any reason not to be on it and if it helps others then why not.

  2. Thank you for writing about this noble cause. I'm going to share it too.

  3. Lovely to see people talking about and highlighting such a worthwhile cause x

    1. It is....I've seen quite a few posts which is so good :)

  4. Lovely to read. I was contemplating on this and I am still thinking if I want to do it. I was thinking if someone dies and they organ was donated part of them lives and its the most beautiful thing. But I am scared. But I am thinking of it. #PoCoLo

    1. That's good to read that you are thinking about this. :)
