Saturday, 19 July 2014

How to keep your family safe when rebuilding your property....

Having a family is a wonderful experience, but it doesn’t come without its stresses.

As a parent, you’re always worrying about your children’s safety. Whether they’re off on a school trip or just playing in the front room; you never fully stop worrying about them.

Keeping the home safe is a top priority and often a full time job. This is especially true when it comes to renovations. So, if you’re planning on renovating the home, there are numerous safety tips you need to follow.

To make sure your little ones don’t get in harm’s way, here are some of the best renovation safety advice and tips from the experts.

Assessing the risks

Before you start your renovation project, write a list of all the potential risks to you and your family. Have you had a safety inspection? It may seem like an unnecessary expense, but getting a professional assessment can help you to detect potential problems you might not have thought of. For example, if you’re tearing down walls, lead and asbestos may be a potential problem. Asbestos exposure can have serious consequences so you need to ensure your property is safe.

Entertain the kids

Some renovation jobs produce more of a risk than others. For example, if you plan on installing a balcony, it’s a good idea to make sure your children can’t venture outside until the work has been done. To prevent them from waiting to go out and play in the garden, entertain them by taking trips to the park and coming up with creative indoor family games.

Install safety gates

If the renovations are taking place inside the home, installing safety gates for young children is a good idea. That way they will be confined to one room and there’s no chance they’ll stumble into the temporary building site.

Tidy up!

It’s also a good idea to make sure you don’t leave any equipment lying around. When you’re caught up in the renovation it’s easy to forget to pick up the drill or nails that you’ve on the floor. In the wrong hands these could be extremely dangerous.

Overall, planning a home renovation project takes a lot of hard work when you have a family to think about. Follow the advice and tips above to ensure you keep your kids safe while work is being carried out. 

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