Friday 2 September 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Flown over! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Flown over

Here we have it the last official day of the summer holidays if you don't count the weekend, well for us it is. The last 6 weeks or so have flown over, in fact this whole year seems to be whizzing by. If it could slow down a little that would be nice. There doesn't seem enough hours in the day at the moment but that could be because we haven't been getting up until about 9am at the earliest and still going to bed at the normal time. lol

It's hard to think what we have done with ourselves over the summer holidays. Any plans we made didn't seem to go to plan and of course we had Covid but it wasn't a bad summer all in all. It has been nice to see family, have a couple of days out, have days at home and spend time together when we could.

It was Ellie's birthday on Monday and she had a wonderful day despite us not doing much. She opened her present's, we stayed home, my dad and his partner popped around, we had a Chinese takeaway for tea and of course birthday cake. Who needs parties and fancy days out, not Ellie. She said it was the best birthday and loved it because we didn't have any plans.

My youngest opening her birthday presents

This week has especially flown over. I don't know if it's because it was Ellie's birthday, it was a bank holiday and I'm all confused with what day it is or that the return to school is just a few days away. Ellie is all set and ready for her last year at school, I don't think I am though. Revision, GCSE's, the prom, choices about what she's doing after school. It sometimes seems far too much for my little head to deal with. I'm sure we'll be fine though.

And here we are in September and I am excited for it. As much as I always convince myself that I love the summer I would say Autumn is my favourite season. I am determined to try a Pumpkin Spice Latte this year and my mind has already turned to Christmas. I have one present bought, Stu got a voucher from work through a promotion with the new Samsung phone being released. It was quite fitting because we used the Argos voucher to buy Ellie a new phone. Not the new Samsung though, that is about £1400 out of our price range. lol It has already been delivered and put away for Christmas. I already know what I'm getting Becky and the only reason I didn't order it this week was because I didn't want it delivered today or tomorrow because we're out.

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the week linky


  1. I totally agree with how quickly this year is flying by. I also have some weeks that seem go go quicker than others. I do love September though as it always feels like a new beginning and a time to make resolutions and set goals. It is that 'back to school' feeling I always seem to get even though I left school many, many years ago.

  2. I'm with you on that, but what a scorching summer we have had. Look at you, getting ready for Christmas already! I have to buy Boo a new tablet as she cracked the screen. But I bought it in 2016 so she's done well I think! xx

  3. I still can't get my head around the fact that we are heading towards Christmas! I tried my first pumpkin spice latte last year and I think it must be an acquired taste. It was ok but I'm not sure that I loved it. I'll have to give them another go.

  4. I remember your Summer posts and it seemed to me like you've had a great Summer! I know how it feels sometimes though, like time is flying so fast. Christmas is my favourite time of the year but Summer is my best season. Well, I can't explain it but, you know! lol. Have a great one and all the best to your littlest with back to school for such an important year!

  5. The summer holidays certainly did go by quickly didn’t they? I’m glad Ellie had a nice birthday. Sometimes it’s nice not to do too much. I like Autumn once I’ve resigned myself to it but I always have a time of sadness first at summer being over. #WotW
