Monday, 5 September 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 5th - 11th September. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. We swapped a couple of meals around but ate everything. This week is all about return to school and a routine. I keep forgetting that Becky isn't going back to college and is now working full time. She was at college for 3 years so it's taking some getting used to.

I was reading somewhere that slow cookers are cheaper to run than a cooker, I knew that but I did need reminding. We have had our slow cooker for about 5 years and I can't see it lasting much longer, the switch at the front is hanging off and as well as it being a safety hazard I can see it falling off soon. I did order one to come with the food shop from Asda but it was unavailable so I've ordered one from Amazon which should arrive tomorrow. I am going to aim for at least one slow cooked meal a week and the leftovers can go in the freezer or be eaten for lunch the next day.

Stu and I are nipping into town today. Where he works have been pretty relaxed about what everyone has to wear but they're starting to crack down and push everyone back into formal wear. Stu has plain black trousers but not enough shirts so we're going into town to have a look around the charity shops. It seems ages since we have been to town together.

Later on in the week it's Becky's 20th birthday and at the moment I haven't a clue what we are doing. We have a few things in mind but we're still 100% not sure. I am sure the day will involve a meal out or a takeaway and of course birthday cake!

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Turkey burgers, chips and baked beans!
Tuesday - Roast pork, roast potatoes and parsnips, carrots, peas and Yorkshire puddings.
Thursday - Vegetable fingers and egg fried rice.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Meal out or a takeaway for Becky's birthday.
Sunday - Minced beef and onions and mash.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Our slow cooker broke last year and I haven't replaced it yet. I should get another one because they are so convenient. Hope you find some nice shirts for Stu, it's always fun going shopping. Have a great week xx

  2. I love our slow cooker, I'm always using it. Our old one died as well, but I use the all in one Ninja now and it's brilliant.
    I can't believe Becky is 20 this week! That's gone so quickly.
    Your meal plan sounds fab, I really fancy a roast now haha. My two would love the veggie fingers! xx

  3. Great meal planning! I used to have a slow cooker many years ago but so rarely used it (maybe twice?) and I no longer own one. But they are very popular here in the States too.

  4. We had to replace our slow cooker a year or so ago and I tend to use it a lot more come fall/winter.

  5. I love my slow cooker. It is an Instant Pot so can also be used as a pressure cooker. I hope Becky has a good birthday, they grow up so fast.
