Friday 21 January 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Unknown! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I am starting writing this without a word in mind. It's been one of those weeks where plenty has happened but it all doesn't fall under one word.

We started the weekend going to hospital for Ellie's MRI scan, it was just procedure before she gets a hearing aid so there's nothing to worry about. She took the MRI scan in her stride and the nurse even said she handled it better than most adults. The nurse was amazing and put us both at ease when she was going through the safety questions. I keep saying the nurses always seem to have more people skills than the consultants and I was proved right again. The nurse asked Ellie if she could to pull her mask down so she could understand her better with lip reading, when we last saw the consultant he never thought of doing that. It's those little things which really help. We already have got Ellie's next appointments. 10 minutes with the consultant and then another to get her fitted for her hearing aid. Exciting times. For a second I did panic thinking that the appointments have came really quickly what if there is something to worry about? I know I am just being silly and for all I know they could have booked her hearing aid fitting the same time as her MRI scan.

I spent Wednesday lunchtime like a lot of other people watching Prime Minister's Questions, what a circus! According to Boris and the government the pandemic is over, it's obviously not but wearing masks is being scrapped, Covid passes will be no more and as of the 24th of March we won't have to isolate if we have Covid. It seems like madness to me and that it will be survival of the fittest now. Thankfully Stu, the girls and myself have been lucky and have got away without catching it so far but I don't know how long that will last with all the precautions being scrapped. I for one will still be wearing a mask on public transport and in shops.

Becky had her first exam at college in a long time. She was supposed to have some last year but they were cancelled because of the virus. It was Anatomy and Physiology and she thought it was quite easy, it wasn't just her though, a lot of her friends said the same. She said most of it was common sense the only thing that stumped her was "where in the body is the Thymus gland and what does it do? She took a guess and said in the chest and it produces hormones which should get her a couple of marks out of the 3 available. She has a full week of exams in a couple of weeks which when she was telling me about them made me chuckle. On the first 2 days she can use Google and Teams where all her notes and work is stored. Her tutor has said he is going to upload more information and things that could help too. Exams sure have changed since I was at college. We weren't allowed anything like that which could help us.

We have a quiet weekend planned hopefully. Ellie is off to town tomorrow with some of her friends. It's the first time she's going into town without us. She's done the bus journey plenty of times but as much as I trust her friends they remind me of excited puppies getting a little too loud and bouncing around. I really hope they don't get themselves into trouble.

I got my word by the end of writing this blog post: Unknown! There is a lot of unknown things about Ellie's MRI scan results and her hearing aid. Everything seems uncertain and unknown when it comes to Covid and Becky had unknown things in her exam.

How has your week been?

Word of the Week linky


  1. I'm glad that the MRI scan went well, glad that you are getting it all sorted! I missed the news about not having to isolate after 24th March, I suppose it has to happen at some point but that's scary after we've been used to the isolation for so long, me and the children haven't caught it yet but am resigned to the fact that we all will at some point. I've had quite a quiet week this week which has been nice, but I'm looking forward to some warmer weather as it's freezing!

  2. Well done Ellie with her MRI, I hate them. I'm glad they are working through things quickly, I know it can be worrying but it's good that she will get the help she needs sooner. I hope Becky gets good results on her exam. I think the new Covid rules are crazy but I guess those that are fit and healthy need to get on with their lives and the world has to keep spinning. It's just a shame for all the vulnerable people who will feel even more at risk. x

  3. I was saying the same thing about college tests/ exams/ assignments! They really are teaching students to use the tools more. I think it is a bit funny but probably a good thing too.

  4. I like unknown. It makes me think of the last option on a web page's pull down box, because sometimes, you just don't know. I'm glad Ellie's MRI went well and I'm sure you're right about the two appointments being booked at the same time. The PMQ was interesting. I'm with you and I'll still be wearing my mask. Good luck to Becky with her exams. #wotw

  5. I'm glad the MRI scan went well. If we took anything into our exams we would have been cheating lol No isolation from the 24th of March! I guess that marks two years of lockdown but it doesn't feel right. Must be going for herd immunity then. I like masks and covid passes they make me feel safer! This could all go terribly wrong! #WotW

  6. I get weeks like that when it takes me a while to find a word! Well done to Ellie for coping well with her MRI scan and the nurse sounds like she was really helpful. It’s great that you got appointments through so quickly for her hearing aid as well. The restrictions being scrapped seems mad to me as well – we won’t be changing anything just yet. Good luck to Becky with her exams, sounds like the first one went well. #WotW

  7. Glad Ellie's MRI scan went well. The nurse sounds lovely. I am not giving up my mask yet either.
