Sunday, 30 January 2022

Feeding the birds. #MySundaySnapshot

This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch where you choose an hour and count the birds that you see land in your garden and tell the RSPB what you saw.

We always get plenty of birds in our garden thanks to the bird feeder that I received to review last year. We have been making sure to keep it filled especially with it being so cold out.

Do you feed the birds in your garden?

Bird feeder

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. We had a good dozen birds at our feeder all day yesterday; thought I think it was the same ones few over and over and over again.

  2. This is awesome, I'd love to have a bird feeder but sadly live on 16th floor tower block lol x #mysundaysnapshot

  3. WE get plenty of birds in our garden but they soon fly off when they see the cats. If we had a bird feeder it would be just to save on cat food...awful but true. I love it when the cats are sleeping though and the birds come right up to my patio doors. We have a lot of blackbirds and magpies. The smaller birds stay away. We do have owls in the trees at the bottom of the garden that we can hear at night.

  4. That is a magnificent bird feeder! I love feeding and watching the birds in our garden.

  5. wow that is a nice birdfeeder - you should be lots of birds! #MMBC

  6. Yes we love to feed the birds...and the squirrels too! #MMBC

  7. That is a fantastic bird feeder! We don't feed the birds, but it is definitely something I would like to do. I enjoy watching the birds in the garden and I know we would attract more if we had a bird feeder.

  8. I do so wish that we could have a bird feeder. We once had a bird table and feeders but they attracted furry friends without wings. Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
