Monday, 3 January 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 3rd - 9th January. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Happy New Year, here's to 2022! Christmas seems a long time ago and we're back to eating properly. Hmmf. I am missing all the cheese, turkey, trifle and chocolate already. We had a great Christmas but we swapped things around last week with the meal plan. We ended up not having the party food on New Years Eve as Becky was working and decided that we would rather all enjoy it when we were all together so we had it on Sunday. On NYE we had a chippy tea. It was supposed to be Chinese but they had to close 10 minutes after they opened because of something breaking in the kitchen. I do feel sorry for them, it was one of their busiest evenings of the year. We had roast pork on Saturday evening so now we are mixed up with what day it is again. I think it will be this time next week before we're back on track. 

Stu is back to work tomorrow, Monday is his day off and Ellie and Becky are back to school and college on Wednesday. I am looking forward to getting back to some sort of normal. The holidays are fun, sleeping late and eating lots but I have spent the last week feeling sluggish. January gives us the chance for new starts and the motivation to eat a little better. I got a fancy smart watch for Christmas so I have been walking more and counting my steps so eating a bit better will do me the world of good.

On the menu this week we have:

Tuesday - The last of the party food out of the freezer
Wednesday - Slow cooker orange chicken and rice. 
Friday - Scampi, chips and peas.
Saturday - Pizza.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What will you be eating this week?

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is the host of the meal planning linky.


  1. I was rather relieved to see a return to work/ school today too as I wanted that return to routine. I think all the junk food is finally gone too so we're turning to more healthy eating. I have chicken soup on the stove for tonight as a few of us are fighting off basic colds and feeling stuffy.

  2. I'm not looking forward to the return to normal, my kids don't go back until Thursday though, and Star doesn't go back to college until next Monday. We have been totally mixed up with the days too, and the food has just been whatever we have available.

  3. Oh, now I'm jealous of you for having gotten the smartwatch, as my Fitbit broke down on NYE and I am still undecided as to whether I'm going to invest in a smartwatch or do without an activity tracker for now. I am glad to be back to normal too, although here schools are still closed till the 10th at least due in part to lockdown (the government will decide on whether to reopen them later today). Food-wise, I still have a ton of holiday treats in my pantry, but thankfully no special dinners for a while now.

  4. Happy new year Kim. I'm a bit mixed about getting back to normal - I've quite liked the laziness of the festive season! We've been getting back on track with our meal planning again this week too. Love the sound of the slow cooker orange chicken on your meal plan. #MMBC

  5. Happy new year we have loved the laziness of the Christmas period but we also need to get back on it with healthy eating it is starting to make me feel super sluggish. I love the sound of the veggie hash this sounds like on you could use whatever veggies you have left in.

  6. I love love my smartwatch, they are so handy aren't they. We are also back to normal and I am glad it's January and back to routine. I like the sound of the vegetable hash, might try that.
    Thanks for linking up to Meal Plan Monday and Happy New Year.
