Monday, 24 January 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 24th - 30th January. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We swapped a couple of days around but everything was eaten. When I was at the Co-op on Tuesday I spotted some quarter pound burgers in the reduced section and snapped them up. £1.20 for four was a bargain and they went straight in the freezer for the weekend which we had in buns. Reduced food tastes so much better than full price.

I was so excited at the middle of last week when I booked a Tesco delivery slot, I had forgotten to book one earlier so was surprised to get one. All was well until I checked why the money hadn't came out of the bank on Thursday which was strange. It turns out I had booked it for this week not last. lol Oops. Thankfully Asda still had slots left and I got everything I wanted and it was a few pounds cheaper so win, win.

Getting the shopping delivered fortnightly is working well. I didn't get any shopping for last week apart from milk, fruit and bread and this week with the shopping I have bought stuff for the freezer for next week, mostly meat and veg and some extra tins. It came to about £20 extra than our average weekly food shop. It feels like we are actually saving money at long last! Hooray!

On the menu this week we have:

Tuesday - Chicken stir fry with noodles.
Wednesday - Vegetable goulash.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Chicken nuggets, chips and baked beans.
Sunday - A roast chicken dinner.

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is the host of the meal planning linky. If you blog about your meal plan do come and link up!


  1. Oh corned beef hash such comfort food. A lovely and tasty week of meals x

  2. I find we have to stock up on fresh fruit often but other than that I try not to do a big grocery once a week if I can help it... it seems like all of a sudden I'm at the stores constantly as food shortages are a "thing" again and my boys must all be growing as they are eating like crazy again.

  3. Corned Beef Harsh sounds amazing at the moment with how cold it is I am not going to lie I need something very warming right now for evening meals. The Goulash also sound really tasty as well

  4. oooh off to look at your vegetable goulash

  5. Well done saving money on your shopping. We have a weekly food shop. I've never really given it any thought to have it delivered fortnightly.
    Your meal plan looks great. I fancy a bit of corned beef hash now! x

  6. I did an online shop and forgot about it two weeks ago, fortunately it was an ok shop and what we needed, much to my relief. My mum used to make corn beef hash, I might have to try it on my kids. Thanks for joining up with #mealplanmonday
