Sunday, 9 January 2022

Ice crystals. #MySundaySnapshot

It has certainly been cold this past week. It has tried to snow but it hasn't settled, it's been too wet. There has been plenty of ice though, when I have been out and about I've nearly slipped a few times. I really don't like this cold weather but there is lots of good things about it. Hot chocolate, cosy blankets and pretty things to look at.

I can't take credit for this photo. Stu took it while he was at work. There was ice on a window and he thought I would appreciate the photos. I did. 


My Sunday Snapshot


  1. What a gorgeous frosty photo! Well done Stu! Hot chocolate and cosy blankets sound perfect for a cold winter's day.

  2. That is a fabulous photo - love all the details. #MMBC

  3. The ice crystals look amazing! I'm not a big fan of cold weather but I do love all the yummy comfort food and hot drinks you can have in the winter. #MMBC

  4. I love ice/snow shots. There is something almost magical in ice formations.

  5. Wow that is so pretty x #mysundaysnapshot

  6. That is awesome! Such details and they are so neat.

  7. It's a beautiful photo! He did a great job.
    I don't like this time of year either. I don't even like hot chocolate and cosy blankets!

  8. Well done Stu - that is one perfect picture. So wintery! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
