Thursday, 13 January 2022

How to stay positive and stay on track with your resolutions!

We are a couple of weeks into the new year and even though we start the year with good intentions it is now that we seem to lose motivation. The Christmas cheer has well and truly gone, the cold, wet and dreary weather is just rubbish and trying to keep bank balances afloat until the next payday really takes it's toll.

January is a long month but doing little things such as making sure you have something to look forward to during the year ahead can really help to keep your good intentions and positivity going.

Think positive

How to stay positive in the new year and stay on track with your resolutions.

 Set yourself a Goal.
It’s important you keep the goal realistic and achievable, don’t make your goal too unobtainable as it’ll only serve to de-motivate you should you veer off it slightly. Start small, then increase your goals each time you’ve completed one. It’s best to start with a series of short term ‘mini-goals’, and then have a think about setting a more long term one when you’re getting the hang of it. This is proven to help resolutions stick.

Take some ‘Me’ Time.
We often spend so much time making sure everything and everyone is ok that we can accidentally neglect our own needs and mental health. Have a think about what you can do, just for you and make a deal with yourself to dedicate some time each week for yourself. So, maybe it’s reading a favourite book or trashy magazine it could be having a leisurely browse online at your favourite clothes shop or having a long soak in the bath.

Get up and get Active.
At this time of the year the last thing we often feel like doing is to jump around in the cold or sweat it out in a gym. However, exercise is proven to boost your feel good hormones and brain chemicals, and really can make all the difference to our mood and motivation. So, if sweating it out in a gym class isn’t for you that’s ok have a think about what you’d enjoy, maybe it’s swimming (with a nice hot sauna afterwards) or even working out at home. Boosting our physical health really can help with our overall happy and positive vibes.

Plan something Fun.
When we’re juggling work, family and keeping New Year’s resolutions we can sometimes hit a wall and feel a little overwhelmed. Making plans for the near future is a great way to lift your mood and look forward to something fun. A day out, a holiday or even a meal out.

Have a chat and cuppa.
We’re all so used to checking our smart phones and social media umpteen times a day that it can be really easy to forget the importance and benefits of having a proper face to face chat with someone. Have a think about who you could have a cuppa and natter with maybe it’s a family member, or that friend you keep putting off. The positive benefits of having a chat with someone and offloading any worries and in turn listening to theirs can have such a brilliant and positive effect on your wellbeing. So go on, ditch the mobile and put the kettle on!

How do you stay positive at this time of year?


  1. Some great tips, thank you for sharing! I started some new daily habits at the beginning of the year and although I'm still on track so far I can already feel the motivation slipping less than two weeks in! I definitely find setting myself goals helps, in particular ones that are small and easily achievable but that all add up over time so you can see progress. One of my habits was to stop obsessively checking the news websites and apps which I have stuck with. I must admit I do feel a bit out of touch with things, but it has been really good for my mental health.

  2. I do find on those days I force myself out of bed and get a workout in right away, I feel better. But it can be so hard to motivate myself to leave that nice warm cocoon of blankets to get up and get moving.
