Monday, 27 August 2018

This weeks meal plan! Lots of treats & a BBQ. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went great.....We ate everything! My youngest did tell me off and said I wasn't sticking to the plan because we had chicken dippers instead of chicken nuggets.....They're the same thing just shaped differently. Eesh! lol

I have been looking forward to this coming week for so long.....Stu, my fella is still off work on his holidays and the kids still have a full week off school and we are going to make the most of it! We have family visiting, it's Ellie's birthday and we are going to have at least one day out!

I don't usually plan the days we are eating things during the summer holidays but this week I am because we have set things we are doing each day. I think the only days that I might swap are the pasta on Tuesday and the stir fry on Saturday....

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Sandwiches and whatever treats my great Aunt brings....My Aunt is a fantastic baker and has promised to bring us some of her treats when she comes to visit today. Her fruit scones are the best.

Tuesday - Chorizo and Red Pepper Pasta Bake....I found this recipe over on the blog One Yummy Mummy.

Wednesday - A BBQ for Ellie's birthday (on Wednesday).....She wants sausages, burgers, chicken kebabs and sweet kebabs with marshmallows, strawberries, chocolate brownies and mini doughnuts. Yum!

Thursday - Something from the chip shop on the way home from a day out. I will probably go for fish & chips. Our local chippy has the biggest fish. I usually share it with one of the kids.

Friday - Pizza....It usually always our Friday night meal. I torture the kids....They always think we're getting takeaway and are really disappointed when I go to the freezer. hehehe

Saturday - A noodle stir fry (Either chicken or pork).....Stu makes the best stir fry's and we will be having it with vegetable spring rolls and prawn crackers.

Sunday - Cottage pie and baked beans....I am cheating and buying a ready made frozen one. We have a busy week so I am all about the easy meals this week.

What are you eating this week?

I am joining in with the linky hosted by The Organised Life Project and Katykicker. They love to meal plan too!


  1. Kids can be so literal, better buy the right shaped chicken thingies next time! I like the sound of the chorizo pasta I'll check that out in a minute. You could torture the kids further and insist they make their own pizzas!

  2. Hope Ellie has a wonderful Birthday xx

  3. Some really tasty meal ideas here. I hope the weather is kind for Ellie's birthday and that she has a wonderful day :) x

  4. Sounds like some delicious meals! You always find some delicious recipes that I want to try out!

    I hope you all have a lovely week :)
