Wednesday 1 August 2018

What I loved in July....

Again I am saying it....Another month has flown over. July was stressful, full of emotion and saw my youngest leaving primary school....

Getting ready for secondary school.
In the last few weeks of the school year Ellie spent some time at the secondary school that she will be starting in September. The last week of school was harder for me than her....I cried at the leavers assembly and on the last day I was a mess. I saw a teacher who was leaving crying and she set me off....I full on sobbed in front of Ellie's class teacher. I finally did managed to give her a hug and say thank you to everything she had done for Ellie.

After leaving primary school I have finally accepted that Ellie is ready for big school. She had a lot of support at her primary school and I was worried about what help she would get in secondary school but there is help ready for her. We have met the SENCO woman and she is just lovely. I trust her to do the best for my girl. Ellie is excited and happy and that is all that matters...

Sunny days.
The kids have loved the sunshine (me not so much). lol I have been trying to stay indoors as much as I can. We tried out some Calypso sun care products early in the month and they have been fantastic. There is no arguments about putting sun cream on now. It has been needed. Ellie played out most days after school and during the first week of the holidays she has been out playing with her friends. Becky is like me. She likes the sunny day's but doesn't like to go out in the heat.....The heat we have had is just silly. We had rain on Friday which lasted all of 10 minutes. Ugh! I was expecting hours of it.

New wine.
For years I have always stuck to my Blossom Hill White Zinfandel but when I got a weekly shop from Tesco I found they didn't sell it so I went for the Barefoot Pink Moscato! It is so refreshing and a little too easy to drink!! There is ripe nectarine aromas and flavours. Layers of raspberry and pomegranate complement the lingering sweet citrus finish.

My teen being a mother for a weekend.
Becky had the electronic baby from school for a weekend in July.....She learned a lot from it and has a new respect for single parents. It did make her realise that she is not ready to be a parent.

Sorting out my girls birthdays.
I love shopping for my girls birthday's and I think I am just about done....I have won a few giveaways since Christmas and I have been hiding things away. The things are mainly toys for Ellie so I have saved a bit of money there. A dolls set, some crafty things and of course some Squishies! Becky is getting a new phone, an xbox game, trainers and new clothes....I won some party tableware for Ellie and we are planning on having a BBQ again like we did a few years ago. Becky will be back at school by the time her birthday comes around and we have no idea what we're doing. 

A step forward to finding out about Autism.
Ellie had an Occupational Therapy Functional Assessment. A fancy way to describe her going to have a play while someone watched her every move. We're still no further forward from when I last blogged about it to be honest I am past caring. We were told that Ellie wouldn't do well in her SATs and she proved the teachers wrong....hehehe Autism or not Ellie will do things in her own time....

What did you love in July?


  1. You are so organised with birthday presents, I am terrible -normally leave it to the last week.
    Go Ellie! I am sure she will do well in senior school x

  2. That suncream has certainly been much needed. I've been burnt a number of times this year. #MMBC
