Saturday, 4 August 2018

A new computer, pink hair and a lazy day. #Project365

Week two of the summer holidays has just about finished and the back to school uniform is just about all bought, I've sorted my fellas birthday present and the girls birthday pressies are all hidden away.....I am actually sick of spending money but now everything is bought it means that after one more bill is paid we can start having some fun days out....

Now for a photo every day!

209/365 - 28th July.
The girls had great fun trying out the Del Monte Squeezies.

210/365 - 29th July.
Stu got up early and Ellie decided to come for chat....We both ended up falling back to sleep. We had a lovely lie in.

211/365 - 30th July.
Ellie has her own computer. Stu made it out of spare parts. All we had to buy was a keyboard.

212/365 - 31st July.
We tried out the Project Mc2 Ultimate Makeover bag...The review will be live early next week.

213/365 - 1st August.
My teen has been wanting her hair dyed for ages. I didn't want to let her do her whole head so we agreed on just a few inches at the bottom. It looks way pinker in real life.

214/365 - 2nd August.
Becky went off shopping with her sister and found some of the pink ladies Lynx body spray....It rare round here and she loves it! The only time we can usually buy it is in a gift set at Christmas with the shower gel.

215/365 - 3rd August.
It rained here until about 3pm and we had a lazy day in our pj's....Becky did end up getting dressed about 2pm though. I just put clean pj's on. lol She spent the afternoon playing on the xbox.


  1. Hope she finds her new computer to be of use to her.
    Dying their hair during the holidays seems to be a big thing down south as a lot of schools it seems do not allow it. As least it is trimable.
    How lovely they stil come to cuddle in.

  2. What a lovely start to the summer holidays. I'm loving the pink hair!I'm with you on the pjs no getting dressed if I'm not going out haha

  3. The hair looks good! Will it wash out in time for school? That's brilliant that Stu was able to build a computer for Ellie. I've never even heard of the Lynx ladies' body spray.

  4. Wow the hair is pink! Great that Ellie has a computer made of spare parts - it must have saved some money.

  5. What a lovely week you have all had.
    Wow! Stu is so clever to have built that PC from scratch. I hope Ellie has lots of fun using it.
    Love Becky's hair too. And how lovely that Ellie gets into your bed for a chat. My boys do this too and leave me with about an inch of bed to lie on hehe! x

  6. Oh wow the pink looks so vibrant. I always have a really hard time doing mine as it’s so black! I could do with a lie in. My body clock is broken I think!

  7. I haven't even thought about new school uniform yet - I'm putting it off! #MMBC

  8. You're so organised! I haven't done any uniform shopping, will most likely be buying at the last moment. Amazing that Stu can build a computer on his own. The hair looks very pink - probably a good idea just to do the bottom inches, in case your teen changes her mind, and wants to try something else. A day in PJs sounds just right, after all, we are on summer holidays. :)

  9. the hair looks fab, is it a wash out or permanent? well done on building the new computer, we gave our teen 3 old and broken laptops, he managed to get one working

  10. great to be able to construct a computer like that. The hair looks fab, hope it doesn't fade to quickly for her #365

  11. wow her hair looks amazing. It is really good to see inside computers and laptops. I think it's great for kids to see how these things work. xx

  12. I didn't know there was girly Lynx! I'll look out for it! I haven't even thought about back to school #project365
