Friday, 11 October 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 41. #FridayFavourites

I have of course been watching TikTok during the week and I have been seeing people preparing for Hurricane Milton. As someone from the UK who always complains about the weather, I really have no right to! It looks terrifying what those in Florida are going through. I have watched families try and evacuate only to be sat in their cars for hours, being stuck in traffic and then having to return home as they're almost out of fuel. What really made me feel sick was that people were writing their name and date of birth on their families so if the worst happens they can be identified. It's the stuff of nightmares. I hope my friends in the US are doing OK. Sending love and hugs.

Now to totally change the tone of this blog post I am here to share some of my favourites from the week. Of course I am linking up with Erika and Andrea.

What I have loved this week

New episodes were released at the end of last week and I rewatched the older one's and then watched the new one's. It's such a lovely story. Ellie my youngest has read all of the Alice Oseman books so she knows what is coming when there are new episodes but it's all new to me.

The story of two British teens, Nick and Charlie at an all boys grammar school. Charlie a high strung, openly gay overthinker and Nick, a cheerful, soft hearted rugby player, one day are made to sit together in class. Their friendship quickly becomes something more. The series also follows the lives and relationships of their friends, many of whom are LGBTQ+.

New nails!
I decided to get my gel nail set out earlier on in the week and do my nails properly. I love gel nails as they always seem to last longer as long as I don't pick at them. 

Red nails

Big Brother!
It's back on TV and I am loving it already, of course I am. I have never missed a series since the summer of 2000! I think this is the first year where I haven't instantly disliked someone. My favourite is the young girl, I think called Lily, she must be so annoying to live with, always on the go and screeching but she is funny to watch.

A roast chicken dinner!
A roast dinner will always be my favourite but some times I make an extra bit of effort. I never make proper Yorkshire Puddings myself, I always use ready made one's but on Tuesday I was feeling fancy and decided to give them a try. They didn't rise much but did taste better than frozen! I also made some pigs in blankets which my family were so happy about, they're usually just a Christmas thing. We had chicken, green beans, carrots, mashed potato, sage and onion stuffing, roast parsnips, Yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets and of course a ton of gravy!

Roast chicken dinner

Birthday plans!
It's my birthday next month and I have been making plans. I am not going to share my plans until I have done them but I am very excited. If everything goes to plan I will be ticking a couple of things off my 50 before 50 list. I have also figured out what is top of my wish list! A new coat. It has to be waterproof, with a decent hood and warm but not too warm that I am sweating. That can't be too hard to find?

A reusable bottle!
I have been filling my bottle up whenever I go out and I am loving it. The metal took some getting used to but it keeps my drinks cooler. The main reason for using a refillable bottle was to save a bit of money and I've worked out I am saving about £2.50 a day which doesn't seem like a lot but it can easily add up to £10 a week and £40 a month which is for example the cost of our water bill each month!

Slytherin water bottle

Hot showers!
I have got caught in the rain a few times and it has been so nice to jump in the shower. It makes no sense, get soaked outside but then want to get even wetter but it's so nice to go in the shower and get warmed up and even better if I can put my pyjamas straight on. hehehe

What have you loved this week?

Friday Favorite linky


  1. The water bottle is so cool. I'm very excited for your plans for your birthday, I hope it will work exactly as you imagine it will.

  2. I love your water bottle! We all use reusable ones here too. Your dinner sounds delicious. I hope you have a very happy birthday.

  3. Love your water bottle and the roast chicken dinner looks amazing! Will you update your 50 Before 50 list after your birthday?

  4. Your roast chicken dinner looks so delicious and I love the sound of a ton of gravy! That’s exact how I love my roast dinners. Have fun planning birthday month 😊

  5. I love a good hot shower, especially when it's cold outside! And yes to getting into PJs immediately after! There's nothing like it!
