Saturday, 19 October 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Shocking! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I have had a week with lots of unexpected things happening, they weren't all bad so that's a good thing. I started writing this blog post after the latest shocking thing happened, our internet went off! It went off just after 7pm on Wednesday evening and didn't come back on until about 8am the next morning, there was a fault in our area. You really don't realise how much you use the broadband until it isn't there. Ugh! I had to resort to reading a book before bed.

Just before I went to sleep on Wednesday evening I checked my phone and saw quite a few messages from Becky. She was at work and seeing the messages panicked me until I read them. Check the news, go on TikTok, Mother, where are you and finally Liam Payne is dead! Becky will see something on TikTok and believe it even if it isn't true but this was! It was shocking news, especially the circumstances of his death. After hearing about his death I have also read about the controversy surrounding him over the last few weeks which was shocking as well. I still feel sad, he was 31 and that is no age at all, he was a son and a father. I really do feel sorry for his loved one's. My girls have been shocked and upset by the whole thing, it is the first celebrity to die that was big for their age group. One Direction was the first music that Becky really loved, we saw them in concert twice before they took a break. Ellie was just getting into them before they went on their break and they have both followed the lads in their solo careers.

I had the girls write me a list each of things that they want for Christmas, most of it is coming from Shein. Some of the things that they chose were shocking. Becky is obsessed with ducks at the moment and saw a shirt with yellow rubber duckies on, that was not making it onto the final list and some of Ellie's clothing choices are very questionable. I don't want to dictate how she dresses but some of the crop tops were tiny and the dresses were too far too short. I put my foot down and said no, she went on to choose more suitable items without much of an argument. Phew!

On Wednesday I did think about using "Cold" as my Word of the Week. The week started off really chilly but I was sat there with a t-shirt on and the windows open. It was 16C! After the weather we've had over the last few weeks it was pretty shocking. There's me getting prepared for the colder weather and the warm weather appears again. It didn't last long it was chilly again yesterday.

Becky started with a cold over the weekend and I did so well to avoid it until Wednesday when it hit me hard. I felt shocking with a sore throat and a nose which would not stop running. I dosed myself up on cold and flu tablets, took it easy, drank lots of juice and had a curry for tea and I feel like I have fought it off. Becky felt better by Wednesday and as of yesterday I feel much better too.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. Shocking is a good word of the week. I, too, read the news about Liam Payne, so young, so sad. Sophia went through a lemons phase; everything was lemons but more housewares than clothing!

  2. I dread the internet going off it's scarey how reliant we've all become but I do like my evening wind down with TikTok. It has been anothet week of shocking celebrity news, fame just simply isn't worth it I don't think. The weather has been so odd this week with frosty cold mornings then lovely bright sunshine and warmth, it needs to make it's mind up! Glad you are both feeling better now.

  3. It was so sad about Liam Payne. It makes me sad that the industry fails to support these young celebs.
    I'm glad you and Becky are feeling better. It's about that time now where colds do the rounds, pffft! I've got my flu jab booked in. xx

  4. Well, our week was similar in a lot of respects. For me it was the power that went so as a result we didnt have the internet too!. I haven't heard the controversy about Liam but I felt really sad for his family, his band mates and his followers. I know Shein is going to make it big this Christmas! Afterall they sell absolutely everything! I'm glad youre feeling much better now after fighting off the flu. Blessings for a lovely week ahead.

  5. So sad about Liam Payne, very shocking news. We've had a few times with no internet, I ended up having a new modem from my supplier and it's been fine ever since, so they must have given us a faulty box before. He had to change all the wires too, which was a pain because they go behind my bedroom furniture. It disturbed all the hiding spiders, lol!

  6. A very appropriate word for the week. I'm glad that is nothing too serious. Liam's death must have been a shock for his fans.
    It's very annoying not to have internet, but I hope you've enjoyed the book.

  7. We have had some really warm weather come through over the weekend and it looks like it's mostly here to last the week. I was not expecting that at all but I really am enjoying it!

  8. Glad the broadband was back on the next morning – it does make you realise how much you rely on being able to get online though, doesn’t it?! Liam Payne’s death was very shocking and sad. Glad you managed to get the girls’ Christmas lists sorted out. It was quite nice to have some warmer weather again although the mornings have been quite cold. Glad you’re feeling better after your cold now as well. #WotW
