Sunday, 13 October 2024

Week 41 of #Project365 6th - 12th of October. A photo every day for a year!

Hello there and happy Sunday! I hope you are having a good weekend? I'm having a lovely one so far. I am writing this yesterday afternoon, my dad's partner has just been for a visit. We had a good catch up and gossip. I am planning on making a fake Chinese takeaway for tea with Chicken balls with sweet and sour sauce in, chicken chow mein, spring rolls, prawn toast, salt & pepper fries and egg fried rice and then spending the rest of the evening in front of the TV. We have no plans at all for today, just how a Sunday should be. My plans are a lie in, pj's all day and lots of watching TV.

Now for a photo every day!

Halloween candle and fried rice
Roast dinner and news on the TV
Clothes in my wardrobe
Leaves and a big mug of tea

280/365 - 6th October
I have been burning my Halloween candle. It smells so good, just like blackberries. Even my family didn't complain about this one.

281/365 - 7th October
Usually when I cook my meals from Gousto they don't look like the photo on the recipe card but this time I was so impressed. It looked almost identical apart from the overcooked egg. It tasted pretty good too!

282/365 - 8th October
We had a roast chicken dinner and I made Yorkshire puddings instead of just using frozen one's. They could have risen a bit more but it didn't matter, they tasted amazing. Of course I made too many so for after we had them with jam and cream on. What a treat that I haven't had since I was a kid!

283/365 - 9th October
I was following the news about Hurricane Milton. It seemed terrifying and even more so when I went to bed and started watching TikTok and people were live streaming waiting for the hurricane to make landfall.

284/365 - 10th October
I had a sort out in my wardrobe and floordrobe, hehehe and put everything that needed to be on hangers on their hangers. It won't last, I am not that organised. lol There was method in my madness, I want to order a couple of new dresses for my birthday and Stu put his foot down and said I need to make room for them. 

285/365 - 11th October
Autumn leaves! My dad always has the best one's at his place as he has so many trees. I love watching them change colour and cover the ground. 

286/365 - 12th October
A great way to start the morning, tea in one of my favourite mugs. It's one of those which are bigger than an average mug and just feels nice to drink from.

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  1. That candle sounds lush, I love candles and have one on the go every evening. I am not brave enough to make my own Yorkshires, I really should as I have my Aunt's old recipe and hers were the best

  2. I love your weekly photo collages! Hurricane Milton certainly was terrifying to watch.

  3. I've not had Yorkshire Puddings in years. Have you ever been to the pub in Skidby where they make huge ones? Yours look good! #MMBC

  4. Yes this hurricane season has definitely been a bad one, and it's not over yet. Your meal sounds delish and I hope it turned out well. I love the mug!

  5. Visiting from MMBC, I love the idea of a photo a day project.

  6. Happy Birthday although I'm not sure when it is! I'm kind of surprised that folks in the UK are watching a hurricane coming toward Florida. We're such a small world now. Luckily I didn't have any damage in my area. I just had 2 days of rain and wind. #MMBC

  7. Ooh a Chinese fakeaway sounds nice. I've never had chicken balls before. Love yorkshire puddings although I do one large one. Our leftovers are fried the next day with cold beef and jacket potatoes. But I do like yorkshire pudding as dessert too. I've got a sweet yorkshire pudding post on my blog! People with the hurricane are nuts. I don't understand why they don't get out, rather than standing there filming.

  8. I'm not so great at keeping my closet neat and clean either. But I got it done today!

  9. Ooh a fake Chinese takeaway sounds delicious – hope you enjoyed it! That Gousto meal looks perfect including the egg – I like them with a crispy bottom! Yorkshire puddings with jam and cream sounds amazing. Love walking on crunchy Autumn leaves and I love your mug. #project365

  10. I too have a favourite mug for my tea, with flamingos on. I love a Yorkshire pudding but they don't taste the same when they're gluten free, too crispy. My wardrobe is full and I've lost weight recently so a good excuse to buy more stuff but I've seen nothing I like.
