Wednesday, 16 October 2024

This or That Autumn Questions!

It feels like Autumn is well and truly here. The leaves are falling from the trees, the darker nights are here and there is a right chill in the air. I do love this time of year when it's chilly but not freezing, the sun is still shining now and again and when I am at home I can feel cosy snuggling under a blanket! 

autumn leaves foliage

Hot Chocolate OR Pumpkin Spice Latte?
This is a tough one. If I am at home I will always choose a hot chocolate but if I am out and about I will always choose a pumpkin spice latte, usually from Starbucks. They always taste better from a coffee shop.

Cosy Sweater OR Chunky Knit Cardigan?
They both make me feel cosy but I like a chunky cardigan which I can wrap around me and feel extra cosy.

Apple Picking OR Pumpkin Carving?
Apple picking! I love wrapping up warm and getting outside on a chilly day to pick apples, usually off my dad's trees. I have done my time carving pumpkins with my girls and it is so messy!

Autumn Leaves OR Frosty Mornings?
As pretty as Autumn leaves look I do like frosty mornings as long as they're not too frosty and icy and I am slip, sliding all over. That is not for me!

Harvest Flavours OR Comfort Food?
As much as I love things like butternut squash soup and roasted root vegetables I do prefer comfort food. Bangers and mash, Shepheard's Pie and stews!

Cinnamon Buns OR Apple Crumble?
Ohh! Both!! This is a hard choice, I do love both! I think I would have to go for a cinnamon bun with a nice sweet cup of tea.

Halloween Decorations OR Autumn Wreaths?
Years ago I would have said Halloween decorations but I am all about loving pretty things now and I do like Autumn wreaths, I keep thinking about buying one for our front door.

Scenic Walk in the Park OR Hike in the Countryside?
As much as I like the countryside I do like the park better, there is one in town which I love to walk around spotting squirrels. I have walked through it a few times recently and have seen the leaves falling from the trees and changing colour, so pretty!

Roast Marshmallows OR Make S’mores?
I would have said roast marshmallows as making S'mores seems so mess but I have seen people making S'mores dip in their air fryer and I need to try it!

What would you pick?


  1. I love this! I'm hoping to get my blog groove back and I would love to use this for an autumn post.

  2. I think we agree on just about all of this! I also love comfort foods and would love that shepherd's pie. I love the countryside as well, but I love a city park! I think NYC is such a beautiful city for that reason. This was fun!

  3. Other than the last one; in which my answer would be neither as I don't like marshmallows in anything we have all the same answers!

  4. All these activities sound really lovely, but I don't do any of them. I'm not sure why I'm not more into decorating for Autumn or cooking specific autumn-foods. I have in plan a pumpkin menu for Halloween and we got matching outfits too. But that's the most I'm doing this month.
