Tuesday 14 November 2023

The best comfort food! #NotJustAMom

Here I am linking up with the Not Just A Mom ladies: Adrienne at Mom Life With Adrienne, Dara at Not In Jersey, Jen at Show Me and Sweet Tea, Joanne at Slices of Life, Lauren at Don't Mind our Mess and Sarah at Toronto Sam.

This months prompt is Comfort food which I could write about 20 blog posts about. It is one of my favourite things in life.


Imagine that it's a chilly, drizzly day and you're wrapped up in a cosy blanket with a good book or your favourite TV show on. What could possibly make this moment any better? Comfort food!! Comfort food is like a big warm hug from your favourite person, a pick me up when you're feeling down or a celebration of the little joys in life. It's not just about filling your belly, it's about filling your soul with happiness and contentment.

My favourite comfort foods are:

Bangers and Mash: Sausages and mashed potatoes, drizzled with onion gravy. It's a simple but amazing combination. The sizzle of sausages in the pan and the creamy goodness of mashed spuds, it's like a warm hug for your taste buds.

Pizza: The universal language of happiness! Whether you like it plain and simple or piled high with your favourite toppings, it's impossible to resist. For a long time I was allergic to cheese, it gave me migraines but as an adult I realised it was just cheddar not mozzarella which goes on pizza so now I eat pizza and it feels like such a treat!  

Soups: When it's cold outside or you're feeling under the weather a steaming bowl of soup is like a healing elixir for the soul. Whether it's a classic chicken soup, a creamy tomato one or a spicy chili, soups have a magical way of making everything better. 

Pie: When it comes to comfort food, few dishes can compete with the humble pie whether it's meat, vegetable or a sweet fruit pie. Nestled in a flaky, buttery crust every bite is a taste of pure comfort!

A full English Breakfast: Which doesn't have to be just eaten at breakfast time. A full English is a legendary spread that includes bacon, sausages, eggs - scrambled, poached or fried, black pudding, fried mushrooms, hash browns, baked beans, tomatoes and toast. It's a meal fit for champions.

Beef Stew: is the ultimate winter comfort food, with tender chunks of beef, hearty vegetables and a savoury broth that simmers to perfection. This dish not only warms you up but also fills your home with the irresistible aroma of slow cooked goodness.

Spaghetti and Meatballs: Few things are as satisfying as twirling spaghetti around your fork and when it's smothered in rich tomato sauce and topped with juicy meatballs you've got a winner. It's a messy, fun, and delicious.

Fish and Chips: Imagine crispy, golden brown fish fillets enveloped in a delicate batter served alongside thick, hand cut chips/fries. It's a marriage made in heaven, covered with salt and vinegar! Just perfect and even better if they are bought from the chip shop!

Shepherd's Pie / Cottage Pie: Whether it's the lamb filled Shepherd's Pie or its beefy cousin the Cottage Pie, these are the ultimate comfort in a dish. Picture a savoury mix of minced meat and veggies, crowned with a luscious layer of creamy mashed potatoes all baked to perfection!

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Let's not forget about the sweet side of comfort food. Chocolate Chip Cookies fresh out of the oven with their warm, melty chocolate chips, are a sure fire way to lift your spirits. 

In times of stress, sadness, or simply when you need a culinary pick me up comfort food is there to save the day. It's a reminder that sometimes the simplest pleasures in life can bring the greatest joy. 

What's your go to comfort food? 

Not Just A Mom linky


  1. These all sound amazing and I'm already seeing a few I forgot to add to my own list as well!

  2. Now I'm hungry! Hahaha! This all sounds just about perfect :)

  3. Kim, you had me with the shephards pie and the fish and chips. You have listed some great comfort foods.

  4. I love all of these comfort foods so much. Nothing beats all the carbs!

  5. I love shepherd's pie...maybe I will make that this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. I'm sure we are sisters from another mister! Dairy contributed to my migraines as well, but caffeine was the main culprit for me.
    As I've got older, I can tolerate dairy more now, strangely.
    I love all of these but spaghetti and meatballs and bangers and (cheesy mash) are my favourite comfort foods. xx
