Sunday, 12 November 2023

She had the time of her life. #MySundaySnapshot

Becky had a little adventure during the week and went to see the Dirty Dancing stage show in Hull. She said it was amazing, they did all the songs and memorable moments from the movies plus a few extra bits. She is now making a list of other things that she wants to see at the theatre, there are at least 3 theatre's just a bus ride from us so this could be the start of an expensive hobby.

Dirty Dancing show programme and mug

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. How fabulous. I'd love to see Dirty Dancing at the theatre. I'm a bit of an addict and have three trips booked, but they are all next year. I can't wait. It's expensive though. xx

  2. Wow! I bet that was amazing. I'm glad Becky had a fab time watching the show. xx

  3. I would love to see Dirty Dancing on stage - I love all the songs. #MMBC

  4. Wow! Lucky Becky! I love the Dirty Dancing movie but haven't watched it for a while - one for the Christmas holidays maybe :)


  5. Oh that sounds so fun! I love going to see live shows... but we rarely actually do.

  6. wow! It sounds amazing! I always love stage shows.

  7. Thisiswhereitisat16 November 2023 at 12:23

    Awesome, glad she had a good time x

  8. How fun! I love the movie so much and the stage production must be so good!

  9. That sounds fantastic, I'm glad she enjoyed it. My daughter is always wanting to go to shows, but it is definitely an expensive hobby! She will be 18 next year, so I will definitely get her tickets for a couple of shows.
