Sunday, 26 November 2023

My Harry Potter Christmas Tree! #MySundaySnapshot

 Usually I let my family put up the Christmas tree but this year I took charge after getting some Harry Potter tree ornaments from Primark. When I bought it I only noticed the big baubles but not the glasses and golden snitches. It was a lovely surprise!

Harry Potter Christmas tree
HP tree decorations
Tree decorations

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. What a lovely idea for a special tree, it looks fantastic and I'm not really a Harry Potter fan but I do get all the references. xx

  2. What a gorgeous tree and how fun to make it Harry Potter themed!

  3. I love your tree. What a fantastic idea to have a theme!

  4. These ornaments are awesome! Perfect for a little Harry Potter fan I know :)


  5. Supernice! Harry Potter=Great memories. My adult children would love that tree as well!

  6. What a great theme! We have a tradition now that after we put up our tree we start watching Harry Potter. Watched the first one Saturday and watching the second one tomorrow night. #MMBC

  7. What a magical surprise! Your Harry Potter Christmas tree sounds enchanting, and it's fantastic that you took charge this year. Wishing you a fantastic holiday season!

  8. Thisiswhereitisat30 November 2023 at 12:12

    What a magic Christmas tree 🎄

  9. It looks great! I'm sure your family were very pleased with your bauble choices.

  10. As Ron would say, that's bloody fantastic Harry! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
