Sunday 19 November 2023

A Christmas Evening Out. #MySundaySnapshot

I am writing this a little after midnight last night, I am feeling on top of the world after having a good night out. The tree lights were switched on in town, there was no time for editing the photo, my bed was calling.

Christmas Tree

My Sunday Photo linky


  1. It's all of that bull riding that tired you out! Haha. Glad you had a fab time lovely. xxx

  2. I'm glad you had a good night out. Our village Christmas tree lights are turned on later in the week.

  3. How fabulous! Love that it's getting to that time of the year where xmassy trips are acceptable..

  4. Blue lights on a Christmas tree are my favorite Christmas view. Lovely. #MMBC

  5. Those unedited photos are the best!! They convey so much emotion. So happy to hear you had a great time.


  6. Thisiswhereitisat23 November 2023 at 15:50

    Aw lovely, sometimes the best times are unedited :)

  7. That is a lovely photo. Glad you had a great night out! (I only edit about 5% of my photos and that's usually just cropping them slightly.)
