Friday, 17 November 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Birthday! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I think this week every year I use the word Birthday as my Word of the week as it was my blogs birthday yesterday and my actual birthday Tuesday coming.

11 years I have been blogging, I say it all the time but this is the longest hobby that I have ever had. The photo that started my blogging journey came up on my Facebook timeline yesterday. hehehe Ellie with her Buzz Lightyear toy that Becky bought her from a bring and buy sale at school, the same toy Stu and I had bought her for Christmas. lol Ellie thought she was the luckiest person on Christmas Day to have 2 Buzz Lightyears. lol Thank you to everyone who reads and comments.

On Tuesday I joked to Becky that it's now officially my birthday week. As much as I loved birthdays when I was younger they only lasted one day, now I am an adult I can make them last longer and why not? I'm the grown up here, apparently. lol

I decided to treat myself to some new make up and that was more hassle than it was worth. I ordered from Boots with next day delivery, the package didn't arrive the next day so they refunded the delivery cost and then on Wednesday I got an email saying there has been an issue with the refund, please ring us. I hate making phone calls and this one was an ordeal. The usual press one for this two for that and so on. It seemed to go on and on and after about 10 minutes they couldn't recognise my postcode which I said so put me through to customer services, the people I needed to speak to anyway! Turns out all they needed to do was reissue the refund, I don't understand why they couldn't have done that when their computer first said no. My parcel finally arrived yesterday with all of my goodies. There was nothing that exciting just bog standard make up that I was running out of but it still felt like a treat.

My birthday is on Tuesday but I am starting my celebrations over the weekend. Where we live it's rubbish to have a birthday during the week, all of the takeaways are closed but as it happens the Christmas lights are being switched on locally so there is a lot going on and lots of treats to be had. We are planning on going out for a family meal and I can't wait for an excuse to get dressed up. If all has gone to plan I will have dyed my hair yesterday in preparation.

As I'm sat here I am sat looking at my birthday presents, they have been wrapped, Becky had the honour, she loves wrapping presents and to be fair Stu wouldn't have had time to wrap them until Monday. I am very excited. I know what some of them are but some are a surprise. I have had one of my presents early, a pair of boots which I really needed. Ellie isn't too happy that I have already worn them, twice as the has a jacket put away for Christmas which she really wants to wear. It's one rule for me and one for her, I know it's wrong but the jacket is more expensive and one of her main presents. Eek!

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. oooh exciting! I bought a jacket for Boo for Christmas and she was most annoyed at me not letting her wear it. I haven't bought myself anything though...ok, maybe some new walking sticks (I might wrap them up for my birthday next week!) xx

  2. What a great word! Happy blogging birthday and Happy Birthday for Tuesday. Can I say that I love you as a blogger. Your writings are so true and heartfelt and I feel that you share EVERYTHING! Sometimes I'm afraid to say which city I live in, lol. I'm also glad that you enjoy your hobby and like telling how it all started. I wonder if the girls read your blog sometimes or if they even considered writing a blog too? Our birthday is in December and it's never usually a big thing. It's 3 days before Christmas so too close for any 'excitement'. Enjoy!

  3. Happy birthday and happy blog birthday! It sounds like it's a good week for you (although frustrating about the Boots refund.

  4. Happy Birthday! and Happy Blog Birthday too :) Sometimes companies make things a lot more complicated than they need be! Karen Early Rising Mum

  5. Well it sounds like the perfect word and I already know you did in fact get your hair dyed and had fun at the lighting since I'm reading this a few days late. I too often dig into my gifts early but don't let my boys do the same!

  6. Happy birthday – both to you and to your blog! I’m a few months behind you with mine turning 11 next year. What a faff with the delivery cost refund. Glad the parcel arrived in the end and you got your refund sorted out. Hope you had a lovely birthday. #WotW
