Thursday, 16 November 2023

My favourite blog posts from my 10th year of blogging.

Happy birthday to my blog! I published my first blog post on the 16th of November 2012! I had no intention of publishing a new blog post every day but here we are 11 years later and I don't think I have missed a day. I used to write a blog post and just publish them, there was no planning and scheduling like I do now. I don't even think I knew how to schedule a post. lol

Each year I like to share my favourite blog post from the previous year and these are them. They may not be my most viewed posts but they are the one's that bring back happy memories and the one's that I like the most.

birthday cupcakes

All about how my friend who I hadn't seen in years came to visit me for my birthday! We went for a meal out and had a fantastic catch up! It wasn't even my birthday on the Saturday, it was on the Monday when we went to the pub to watch England playing in the World Cup.

December - Our Christmas day!
This is the reason I love writing my blog to record special moments like this! It was a normal Christmas with nothing extraordinary happening but it was so nice with lots of family time even with Becky working over Christmas.

I have been taking part in the Not Just a Mom linky over the last year and I do enjoy it. I have discovered so many new blogs and written about things I usually wouldn't with the prompts. An introduction post was a good thing especially with the length of time that I have been blogging.

I try to be as real as possible here on my blog but I do like to keep things positive so this was a bit of something different from me. I shared the fact that I wasn't doing so well mentally. It's not always sunshine and roses.

Stu and I don't get that much time alone despite the girls being older and doing their own thing. This was actually the last time that we went for a proper meal out together. Eesh!

I had this post sat in my drafts for ages waiting for a gap to post it. It does make me chuckle thinking about how I thought I knew everything about being a parent until I actually was one.

This is one of mine and my families favorite recipes which I have made over the last year which isn't bad considering when I first mentioned it the kids were determined they weren't going to eat it.

There's me thinking my fella Stu doesn't really get mentioned much on my blog and here's another post featuring him from my favourites over the past year. hehehe

This is probably one of my highlights of my year! I still can't believe that my youngest at the start of the year was such a tom boy and here she is in a pretty dress with make up on!

I hate the anniversary of my girls heart surgeries but it is such an important time to remember and it gives me chance to raise a bit of awareness about heart defects. They're more common than you think.

We had a break away at the end of August and my favourite day was the 2nd day in Newcastle where we played at being tourists. 

We all need a little bit of self care and this is how I like to treat myself. There's nothing fancy, just a bit of indulgence!

Thank you for reading whether you are a new reader or have been reading for years! Thank you as well to anyone who leaves a comment or shares on social media. I appreciate you all!


  1. Happy blog birthday! I love reading your blog, what a great selection of posts xx

  2. Yay Happy Blog Birthday. It's quite astonishing to think how long we have been around and our children have grown up with our blogs. And just have you have proven here, we have some wonderful memories to look back on. xx

  3. It was years until I learned that I could schedule a post to publish at a later date (I mean I think I knew you could do that I just didn't know HOW). I cringe looking back at some of my early posts where I wrote such lengthy paragraphs and had zero photos.

  4. Happy blogiversary for the other day. I'm impressed you're still doing a post a day. I think I lasted 2-3 years, and that was enough for me.

  5. Aw, happy 10th blogging anniversary to you! I'm so glad to have met you through this mad blogosphere! I love how we are all on this journey together, watching our kids grow and celebrating good times together.
    Here's to many more fun blogging years ahead. Love from your biggest fan lol! :) xxx

  6. Happy 10th blogging anniversary. I love your blog, Kim! It's one of my favourites and I look forward to reading it. With work and everything I'm always behind but I love to catch up. I have never scheduled a post because I'm always writing right up until the last minute before the link-ups. If there are no link-ups I'm still pushing hard to publish before 9.30 pm. Maybe over the summer holidays, I'll get a few blog posts written in advance(I say that every holidays!)

  7. Happy blog birthday!
    We're almost blog birthday buddies, Story Snug was eleven last month. I couldn't post every day like you do though, I'm so in awe of you doing that!

