Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Not Just a Mom! Something new for me.

When I first started blogging there were tons of linky's on the go, I had a choice of linking a blog post up every day of the week if I wanted to but now they don't seem to be a big thing, at least over here in the UK. There is of course Monday Morning Blog Club which I love and through that I have discovered a lot of other blogs and they have introduced me to a few new linkies which I will be joining in with this year.

The lovely Joanne from My Slices of Life is one of the hosts of the Not Just a Mom linky which has caught my eye, I have been reading Joanne's blog posts for the last year or so and thought it looked like a fun thing to join in with, so here I am taking part. Each month there is a different prompt sharing a different aspect of our lives showing we are not just mom's. I am excited for it, I do love a prompt!

Not Just A Mom linky

This months prompt is Introduction!

You can read all about me on my About Me page which I have just been and updated because I noticed that I hadn't updated it in quite a while. Oops. I'm Kim and I live in a town called Scunthorpe which is in the East Midlands of England with my little family.

It seems strange for me to say "mom", to my girls I am a Mam which even in the UK is strange to some as a Mam is more a northern thing, I would say most mothers here are Mum. I am mam to my two girls Becky who's 20 and works full time nights in a care home and Ellie who's 15 and is in her last year of school. You would think by know I would have this parenting lark down to a tee but I feel like I am just winging it most days. Just when I think I have got the hang of parenting the girls get older and everything changes again.


This is me above but I don't always look as dressed up, with make up on and nice hair. lol Lately I've been living in oversized hoodies and comfy clothes with it being so cold, we are supposed to get snow over the next week. Eek. My hair is always a bright colour, I went from dark brown to red back in 2019 and haven't looked back since. I've been red, blue, green, pink, purple and just about everything inbetween.

I have been a stay at home mam since my eldest was born and I have been looking for a job, hopefully 2023 is the year where I go back to work. I don't have a career in mind, at the moment I am applying for any job which I am qualified to do which means there isn't much to go for. I am sure something will turn up eventually. 

I love everything Harry Potter, I am currently rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I couldn't care less about Prince Harry and all of his drama, my favourite food at the moment is the last of the Christmas biscuits and believe it or not I am a really shy person in real life. Anyway, enough of me waffling, it's time to link up!

Not Just a Mom hosts


  1. Hello Kim - nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I have not heard many people use the word Mam. Interesting. I completely agree about Prince Harry. I'm looking forward to browsing your blog. :) Tanya in Texas

  2. Nice to meet you Kim- so glad I found you! :)

  3. It's so nice to meet you Kim. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  4. What a lovely post about you. Your hair looks amazing, it suits you.
    I'm a staunch monarchist (since I was a teenager) and I can't care less about what Harry has to say. :))

    Good luck with your job applications, I hope you'll find one you'll love.

  5. So glad you joined us!! You've had me jumping through the internet reading up on how schools in the UK compare to schools in the US since our students don't "finish" school until 17/18 and then go onto college for either a 2 or 4 year degree. Anyway; I hope 2023 is the year you find a job! I bet that is going to be such a huge adjustment for you all. My husband keeps hinting that I should go back to work but I still have 2-3 years of homeschooling left and I know if I'm not here Evan would not be doing any schoolwork!

  6. So nice to meet you and to read about you. I hope you find a great job that makes you happy!

  7. It's so great that you joined the link-up! I loved learning more about you. Good luck with finding a job. I have always loved the Royal Family but I have to confess that I might be a bit teeny tiny interested/obsessed with Harry and his book 🙈

  8. Thanks for linking up with us! Nice to see some more “Commonwealth” content :) I am very interested in the Royals!
    Sarah M. @TorontoSAM

  9. Hello - and so nice to meet you. This link-up has led me to so many new and interesting blogs. I look forward to stopping by again!

  10. Thanks for joining our link up...all the way from the UK! :) I enjoyed getting to know about you and your life.

  11. Hi Kim, it's so nice to meet you! I hope you're successful in your job search this year! We recently moved so I'm thinking I need to find a job as well, just to give me something to do. Besides my blogging habit, I mean. I have also pronounced Mom as "Mum" - probably because I'm from Canada - and my kids all address me as Mum too.

  12. Love your pic, so pretty!
    This link up sounds lovely, I really need to join in more this year. Good luck on the job front! They will be lucky to have you. :) xx

  13. Thisiswhereitisat14 January 2023 at 20:19

    Buffy the vampire haven't seen that in years. Good luck with the job hunting X

  14. Very nice to meet you Kim! Getting back into the workforce is hard after a long break (been there, done that) and I hope you find something perfect for you.
