Saturday, 21 January 2023

A photo every day for a year! 14th - 20th January. Week 3 of #Project365

This past week did not really go to plan. I had budgeted in a couple of days of my arm feeling sore when I got my contraceptive implant changed and had planned on getting stuff done at the end of the week. The receptionist didn't process the prescription for the new implant so I spent Monday and Tuesday in pain in one arm where the implant was removed and Thursday and Friday in pain in the arm where the new implant was put in. Ugh. I've been in a foul mood for most of the week but I am starting to feel happier now and one of my arms is just about back to normal.

I don't have any plans for the weekend apart from the usual housework and watching TV today and films and having a lazy day tomorrow.

Now for a photo every day!

A pile of cleaning products
My girls at their computers giggling about what they're watching
It's snowing
Icy grass and sunshine
The paperwork from my implant and a yellow rose

14/365 - 14th January
I got on with the housework and ended up cleaning out the cleaning cupboard. It's amazing how much I can get done when I am woken by the builders next door at 8am.

15/365 - 15th January
The girls were both watching the same video off YouTube laughing their heads off at it. It was some gamer guy playing a game, apparently he's really funny. I had a quick look and I just don't get the attraction.

16/365 - 16th January
We had snow! It didn't last for long, maybe about 10 minutes and it didn't lay. Phew! Just as well as I had my first appointment of the week at the doctors. It was freezing out when we were in the shade but the sun did have some heat in it. 

17/365 - 17th January
There was frost in the back garden for most of the day. It was so cold. I hate the cold weather but the frost does make everything look so pretty.

18/365 - 18th January
The sun was shining, of course it was still cold but blue skies and sunshine were so nice to see.

19/365 - 19th January
I finally got my new contraceptive implant put in! I got all the paperwork to go with it but the doctor just laughed as he knew I knew all about it but still had to give me it anyway. I have had an implant in longer than he's even been a doctor. hehehe.

20/365 - 20th January
I bought myself some flowers which came with the food shop to cheer myself up. I was cheerful until I pricked myself on the pesky thorns from the roses. lol

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  1. Haha I love that pic of your girls having a good chuckle. The frost really does make the garden look pretty but it sure must be cold brrrrr!

  2. Sounds like a bit of drama with the implant. Glad you finally got it sorted though. My middle one watches some random you tube gamers too and like you I don't get it either!

  3. What a faff with your implant appointments, hopefully it doesn't give you any more hassle. We had about 5 minutes of snow, that was plenty for me.

  4. Getting things done is one plus side of being woken at 8am by the builders! The frost does make everything look pretty doesn’t it? Glad you finally got your new implant put in and that you’re feeling happier. Hope that your arms are both feeling better now. That rose is beautiful but ouch to pricking yourself with the thorns! #project365

  5. I am gald you finally got your implant sorted, what a nightmare though. I am so jealous you got to see some snow

  6. ooh I can't imagine you being in a foul mood, you strike me as only getting middle grumpy he he. Don't blame you though if you were in pain, hope all is better now

  7. Very jealous of the snow, I think we all deserved some as it was soooo cold! Sorry your arm was hurting, hope the implant works well (mine didn't and I threatened to cut it out myself if they didn't remove it!) #project365

  8. How funny watching the same video on different devices. I have never had an implant. I'm not brave enough to be honest. I would have had the right hump about them getting it wrong resulting in me being in pain. I hope next time it is easier #365
