Friday, 13 January 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Slow! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is: 


This week has been a slow one compared to last week when I was painting the bathroom. How has that only been a week? It seems weeks ago. I think I have hit the point in January where it is starting to drag. It always seems like the longest month of the year. I haven't quite got the January blues yet but I felt myself heading that way so I have enjoyed having a slow week.

I never got my lazy day last Friday doing nothing, I ended up going out with a friend for breakfast and then caught up on the housework I had been neglecting. I made up for it on Saturday though, all I did was play games on my laptop and watch TV. Having a slow day was great for my family as on Sunday I had the motivation to cook a roast dinner. hehehe

The rest of the week I haven't really done much apart from pottering around the house doing little jobs. As I type this it's raining again. I had planned to go to town with Becky on Tuesday but it was absolutely chucking it down. I got up and it was still so dark and didn't really brighten up all day. Becky still went to town and got soaked, I am glad I didn't go even if it did mean missing out on a McDonalds. I'm not too fussed now because our bus prices have changed here, every trip is £2 which is a real bargain considering it used to be £8 for a return. I can see us having lots of days out over the summer.

Stu was slow in getting into work on Wednesday. His bus for the last couple of weeks has been about 10 minutes late but the one day he's running a few minutes late the bus comes 10 minutes early! Grr! He had to wait nearly an hour for the next bus which ended up breaking down and of course the next bus was running really late. What should have been an hours trip took just over 3 hours. Thankfully now more people are taking the bus to work as it's cheaper than driving he wasn't the only one which was late. He made the time up that he lost working half his lunch and half an hour after work for a couple of days.

I have made a slow start on planning a little break away over the summer. We have a wedding to go to and we are going make the most of it and spend an extra couple of days away. Obviously I can't book the trains now but I have been looking at somewhere to stay. We are thinking of using Air B&B as the hotel prices are just crazy, especially when we need 2 rooms. I do miss the kids being little and being able to get a family room. It works out cheaper booking a whole house than just 2 rooms in a hotel. 

I had planned to go to the cinema with Ellie tomorrow but she's sacked me off for her friends. Hmmf. Apparently tomorrow is the one day that everyone is allowed to play out. I might just go to the cinema myself. hehehe 

How has your week been?

Word of the week linky


  1. January often does feel like a very long month doesn’t it? Glad you managed to get your slow day in on Saturday after your busy week. The reduction in bus prices is such a good thing. They were so expensive around here. What a pain for Stu with missing the bus. At least he wasn’t the only one. Lovely to be starting to make plans for time away in the summer. That's a shame that Ellie's sacked off the cinema trip although I think you should go to the cinema anyway! #WotW

  2. Sometimes a slow week is what's needed, just pottering about is lovely. Good news about the bus fares! The public transport by me is useless. I agree about hotel prices too. We'd love to have a weekend away but it costs as much as a week at Centerparcs! Karen - Early Rising Mum

  3. Sometimes a slow day is Good for the soul. I have really been focused on slowing down lately. Have a Good weekend.


  4. I find January hard because even Florida gets cold fronts down from the north. We don't get snow just cold, cold rain. And yes it is slow!

  5. Wow, those bus fares are great! We used to get family tickets once upon a time, but I can't remember the last time we caught a bus together. I hate being in a wheelchair on the bus I feel like I'm in the way and I have to sit facing the rest of the passengers urgh! It sounds like you have some exciting things to look forward to this year, planning will keep you busy for sure. I hope you are having a lovely weekend. x

  6. We often go with AirB&B over hotels for that same reason plus if we're going away for a couple of a days we can get groceries and use the kitchen which saves us over eating out too.

  7. I've not felt like going out much this week. It has been wall to wall rain. I must check our bus fares too. I know they are meant to go down, but I'm not sure if we're too rural. Annoying to be let down by the bus. At least Stu could make up the time and he wasn't the only one caught out. Exciting to be planning your summer holiday. Roll on summer. #wotw

  8. That's amazing that bus prices went down. Everything seems to be going up over here. Groceries, fruit and vegetables have all seen price increases lately. That's so exciting to plan a couple of days away and go to a wedding. How fun! Poor Stu having to wait so long for the bus! It must have been so frustrating. Good to hear that he wasn't the only one though. I want January to go even slower because I'm on holidays and it feels like it's just speeding by for me. LOL!

  9. Sometimes we all need a slow day/week. I have been needing one. The bus prices reducing are great. Buses can be so expensive. I notice it so much now we are not in the London zone system. You have to get return tickets here. That's a novelty. Stu's bus journey would have given me the hump! It was good he could catch up his hours easily. Your summer plans sound nice. I can't bring myself to commit to the cost of anything at the moment.
