Sunday, 22 January 2023

Hot Chocolate! #MySundaySnapshot

When I am feeling stressed or anxious I tend to stay away from the coffee so for the past week with everything that has gone on with getting a new contraceptive implant in my arm I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate. It's been freezing out so the hot chocolate has really helped to warm me up too.

At Christmas Becky got me about 6 boxes of Galaxy Hot chocolate all in different flavours, I have been working my way through them and the others that we have in the house. During the day I have been having them normally but on an evening I've been adding cream and marshmallows. Yum, yum!

A mug of hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. I love a hot chocolate! I never have any cream in the house but I usually keep a stash of marshmallows around, it makes it much more special!

  2. mmmm, you can't beat a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, yummy! xx

  3. That looks like one amazing hot chocolate!

  4. Oh wow that looks so delicious! It almost makes me excited about winter. (Almost LOL)

  5. Thisiswhereitisat27 January 2023 at 10:41

    Ooo yummy can't beat a hot chocolate when it is so cold right now X

  6. I don't drink hot chocolate myself, but I must say that does look very good! How lovely of Becky to get you six boxes for Christmas.

  7. Such a yummy treat! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
