Thursday, 5 January 2023

In December I was grateful for... #365DaysOfGratitude

I have seen many people on social media list something every day that they are grateful for and thought I would join in and have on my private Facebook account every day and I thought I would share here too.

I have done this for a whole year and it has really made me realise that even on the bad day's I have something to be grateful for.

Today I was grateful for

In December I was grateful for:

Day 335 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for advent calendars. I am lucky this year, I have three. A chocolate one, a tea one and a coffee one.

Day 336 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I feel so much better today. I think I am over this stupid cold. Even the cough has just about gone.

Day 337 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for an evening with family.

Day 338 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a win for England in the World Cup. Football could be coming home.

Day 339 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a chat and a catch up with a friend tonight.

Cold weather

Day 340 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for blankets, my snuddie, hot water bottles, fingerless mittens and fluffy socks keeping me warm today because I refuse to put the heating on during the day when it's just me in.

Day 341 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for being able to do the Christmas food shop online. It's not being delivered until the 23rd but I think I have added everything we need to the basket!

Day 342 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for spending most of the day with my dad and his partner Sarah. We've all been busy lately so the catch up was nice.

Day 343 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a huge box of chocolate and Jayne from Sticky Mud & Belly Laughs who sent me it! She is a fantastic friend. 

Chocolate and a roast dinner

Day 344 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful we got as far as we did in the World Cup. They played so well with so many wrong decisions made by the ref. Now I want Morocco to win!!

Day 345 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a lovely Sunday dinner. It was well worth the walk out in the cold. I really should have taken the photo before I started eating.

Day 346 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a toasty hot bath.

Day 347 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for my dad taking us Christmas food shopping. We got all of the freezer food including the turkey, pork, the roast potatoes, party food and more stuffing!

Day 348 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Stu and I got all of the Christmas presents wrapped. There's bound to be some hidden somewhere which we've forgotten about but at least the majority is done.

Christmas presents

Day 349 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Ellie can hear more! She is deaf in one ear and finally got her hearing aids today. They have already made such a difference, she said she can hear everything!! It sounds dramatic saying they are going to change her life but they really are.

Day 350 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for the Christmas holidays! Ellie broke up from school this afternoon which means we might get a few lie ins over the next week. 

Day 351 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a nice quiet day at home catching up on jobs around the house. I needed it after a busy week.

Day 352 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a catch up with my nephews mum. It's been an age since we saw each other face to face.

Day 353 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a haircut, just a trim but it's ready for dying back to red tomorrow.

Day 354 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that my hair dye went on perfectly and I didn't make a mess in the bathroom. hehehe

Day 355 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I have finally finished wrapping Christmas presents. If it's not wrapped now it's not getting wrapped.

Day 356 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I don't have to think about the Christmas food order anymore. I've been online and faffed with it so much today. It's now up to Asda to deliver everything tomorrow. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there aren't too many substitutions.

Me and my girls

Day 357 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a lovely meal out for my dad's birthday. Despite all of his protests I think he had a good time.

Day 358 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful to sit down with a glass of wine after a busy day getting everything ready for tomorrow! Meat is cooked, veg is chopped, presents are ready and Christmas pj's have been put on. 

Day 359 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a wonderful Christmas. It's been strange Becky being asleep for most of it and back at work tonight but we'll make up for it over the next few days.

Day 360 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a lazy day! We had a long lie in, watched a few films and ate leftovers. It was a perfect Boxing day!

Day 361 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that the house back in some sort of order. Most of the presents have found homes and it's sort of tidy. It'll do.

Day 362 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for another lazy day watching so many films. Wallace and Gromit, Finding Dory, Moana, Jumanji (the one with the Rock) and now Suicide Squad.

Day 363 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful the a book I wanted is back in stock on Amazon! I wanted the Unofficial Sims Cookbook for Christmas and it had sold out but it's back and I've bought it. I can't wait to look through it and try out some recipes.

Day 364 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Stu has a few days off work and Becky will be off work to see the new year in. It's about time that we had some time together. 

Day 365 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for these grateful posts that I have done almost every day over the last year. They have helped me find at least one positive even on the bad days. 

What were you grateful for in December?


  1. This is a lovely idea, I hadn't actually seen it before but away to hunt out my diary to do it for 2023. Loved reading yours too!

  2. Not sure if I posted anonymously originally but loved reading it, think it's a great idea and planning to do it myself in 2023!

  3. Thisiswhereitisat8 January 2023 at 19:46

    Lovely read X
