Saturday, 12 October 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: TikTok! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Over the past few weeks I have spent a lot of time watching TikTok. Usually I just scroll through on the app to pass some time but recently I have been actively searching for people and things.

I fell down a rabbit hole of watching videos about Diddy and the drama surrounding him. It is shocking even if only half of what is coming out is true and because of the Diddy drama I am still convinced that Michael Jackson is alive and is hiding somewhere. lol It sounds ridiculous but people on TikTok are so convincing with their theories. 

There was a woman a couple of weeks ago who found a carpet buried in her back yard and she thought there was a body in it after the police sent dogs out to check and they indicated there was something there. There were updates over a few days and I was hooked! The police investigated and it turns out there was nothing there. The whole thing was crazy!

This week I have been following along watching people in Florida who have been in the thick of Hurricane Milton. I stayed up late watching people live stream what was happening. I really can't imagine how they were feeling. I panic when there's a bit of wind here that might blow our fence down (our fence isn't the greatest). I couldn't imagine having to deal with the devastation that hurricanes cause. What made me so sad was the people writing their children's names and date of birth on their kids in case the worst happened. How scared must they have been? Writing the same on animals which they had to leave outside and some people abandoning pets so they could go to a shelter. It must be such a hard choice, get rid or your pet and get your family to safety or stay home and try and ride it out. I learned that hurricane proof windows are a thing and thought that people throwing their patio furniture into their pools to stop it blowing around was a genius idea.

I don't usually go on TikTok first thing on the morning but I wanted to check on how everyone was getting on Thursday morning after the hurricane. I was following a woman who had a little farm and had to leave her animals outside, they all got through it. There was a woman in a high rise apartment block who had water coming in, she was late in updating but was fine after having a long lie in and people who weren't going to evacuate decided to at the last minute and they made it to safety. It was so nice to see that people were OK.

I know not everyone was so lucky, people lost their lives, homes and are still without power. Please tell me off if I ever complain about the weather here. It is nothing compared to what happens in America! 

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. You were like me watching the hurricane in the US too. My mom's area was spared major damage but my sisters in Port St Lucie had damage that they are dealing with now. Their house is fine though, it's mostly the garden and all their lovely fruit trees. 🌴 I also love watching Tik Tocks and I also end up in deep and winding rabbit holes sometimes too. I wonder what the next generation will have by way of Social Media. What we currently have is so entertaining.
    Hope you have a good week ahead too.

  2. I don’t have TikTok but once I start watching Instagram reels I can’t stop! Those conspiracy theories are so convincing! Did you see the one where there’s footage of someone who looks a lot like Michael Jackson walking around Diddy’s property.

  3. I have a TikTok account but very rarely look on TikTok! I did hear about the carpet drama on another social media channel though. I did follow some of the updates about Hurricane Milton – it must have been such a scary thing to experience. For all we moan about weather here, at least we don't get hurricanes like that. #WotW
