Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Worst Facebook Friends....

We all have annoying friends on Facebook or Twitter....

According to new research, diet and fitness freaks who continuously brag about their weight loss are the official most annoying Facebook or Twitter friend that we all have...But proud parents who over-share every second of their newborn’s little life and that one friend who is always sending you requests to play games like Candy Crush or Farmville weren’t that far behind.....

The study of almost 1,800 people by online sports retailer found that sharing photos of every meal you eat or posting attention-seeking statuses and then refusing to talk about it are other ways to quickly lose friends on Facebook....

I have deleted a few attention seekers in the past....A drama every day and totally unbelievable!!

Here’s the list of the most annoying things you can do on social media....
Dieters and fitness fanatics - (posting photos and updates from the gym at every moment). I don't have many of them....The ones I do have don't bother me....I am certainly not one of

Meal photographers – I can be guilty of this if it's something great I've cooked which does not happen very My fella is the worst for doing this...He likes to play at Man V's Food...Huge portions then shows them off on Facebook..

Attention seekers - Asking for help and then telling any concerned commenters that they ‘don’t want to talk about it’ This annoys me!! If you don't want to talk about it don't post about it!!!! I have told people this in the past...They are not my friend I'm not a bitch....Just don't be an attention seeker....

Gamers – I am so guilty of this....hehehe I'm always asking for extra lives on Candy Crush Saga....But I'm on level 300 and it is so addictive!! By the way every level is do-able without buying any of the extra stuff :)

Overly proud parents – OK, I might be a bit guilty of this one....My kids do something good and I'm so going to share, my kids do something funny I'll share...Ohh if they're naughty I'll share that too!!

Checker in - The one who checks in to every single place they visit....I think I've checked into a couple of places but that was only my friend tagging me in it....I wouldn't even know how to check into somewhere.....

Useless invitations –  Invitations to parties or events that are on the other side of the country....I get loads of these....Not just the other side of the country.....Different countries

The stalker – The friend who comments and likes every single status or picture you post....I used to have a couple of these....They've calmed down lately....Maybe I've become 

The friendly business – The business who friend-requests every one so you might buy something from them.....This doesn't bother me....They are only trying to make a living....

Do you have any of these friends or are you guilty of being one?!

1 comment :

  1. I'm annoyed by ALL of those, other than stalkers - I guess I love attention;-)))
