Remember this post from last week!!
There has been
I had a woman from the complaints department ring me last week and apologise about the way I was treated by the incompitant call center staff in their 'offshore center'! Her words...She said nobody else would be contacting me regarding the situation...
Anyway it was all sorted.....British Gas payed the money they owed me and the debt was cleared....
Well today I had the offshore call center call me saying I owed a hundred and something on my gas and eighty odd pound on my electric and an immidiate payment must be made...
It took me all my will power not to tell them to feck off....I kept the guy talking while I went online and checked my online account and amazingly enough I didn't owe them a penny!! So I explained to him and got him to check and double check it was only then he realised he was wrong!!! He soon started apologising....
Now imagine if I was a vulnerable or elderly person who believed everything these people were saying and made a payment and that would leave them short of money for the rest of the week/month...Not on!!
Another complaint has been sent!!
It's disgusting. I know that this kind of thing happens way more than it should!