Thursday, 6 February 2014

Cream egg brownies!!

I love Cadbury Cream Eggs!!.....I bought some in Poundland on Christmas I think this year I have actually eaten more of these tasty treats than I have real eggs!!

Have you seen the recipe for Cream Egg Brownies?
Such a delicious treat!!


185g dark chocolate
185g unsalted butter
85g plain flour
40g cocoa powder
3 eggs
275g caster sugar
6 Cadbury creme eggs

How to make them...

1. First preheat the oven to 180oc/gas mark 4. Then,melt the butter and chocolate together, either in the microwave in 30 second bursts or by sitting the bowl on a saucepan of hot water. Once melted set to the side.

2. In a separate bowl, crack in the eggs and add the sugar and then whisk until the eggy sugar becomes almost mousse like, it will take a good few minutes but it will be pale and will have doubled in volume and size. Next, add to this the cooled melted butter/chocolate and combine it all together.

3. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder and gently fold it in, before pouring the mixture into a regular baking tray. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

4. Once baked remove from the overn and  cut the creme eggs in half, gently placing the halves onto the brownies – evenly spaced, then pop back into the oven and bake for a further 10 minutes to melt the creme eggs. Finally, let the brownies completely cool in the tin before cutting into slices.


  1. These do look great and they're something I've been meaning to try for ages - I never realised they were quite so easy!

  2. I wish I could eat them :( still food p-rn at it's best yum!!

  3. *passes out* Think I just died and went to creme-egg-borwnie heaven! #yum :)

  4. This is chocolate, naughty, food porn!!!! I will be making this!!!!!

  5. I've nominated you for the Liebster award! My post you are featured in with my questions for you just went live today ! You can view it below:

    I Write About You

  6. Wow these look fantasticly yummy. Must try them out this weekend. Thanks for sharing, perfect timing with cream eggs out. Great recipe.

  7. Ooh I have been seeing pics of these and now I know how to make them! Yum, thanks for sharing! #pocolo

  8. Ooh tasty! *wipes dribble from chin* I love Cream Eggs too and if I was any good at baking I would definitely try these. #PoCoLo

  9. These look amazing! Will definately be trying these out!!

    Dropping in from #PoCoLo xx

  10. O.M.G I need to have these!!!!!!!!! Yum Yum


  11. Now I'm loving the idea of creamed egg brownies: a real treat.

  12. These look amazing :)

  13. I can't imagine how much calories are in one of those!! Even still... *drools* hehehe

  14. These look very scrummy. I love the fact that you've mixed my two favourite sweet foods together!
