Monday, 24 February 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

The kids are back at school today!! Hooray!!

Well we decorated last week.....The hallway, stairs and the living/dining room....We still have the wallpaper to hang but it's coming together nicely....There will be a blog post about the bargains I've got and the changes we've made when we're finally finished!

Our meal plan sort of went to plan last week! On Wednesday we lost track of time while painting and ended up with a takeaway...Good thing was if we spent over £30 we got it for half price!! I wished I'd got an extra pizza to have warmed up the next day....hehehe

Friday it was McDonalds as Becky had gone on a sleepover and we wanted to treat Ellie and on Saturday Becky came back from the sleepover and went back out with her friend for the day so Ellie & I did a bit of baking!! We cooked pizza, scones, fairy cakes, chocolate cake and a carrot cake which we had for tea so the curry I had planned is still in the freezer!!

We haven't got much on this week so on the menu we have...

Monday - Roast Chicken & Veg....
Tuesday - Chicken and Mushroom Fried Rice....
Wednesday - Tuna Bruschetta....
Thursday - Corned beef pie, chips and beans....
Friday - Fish and sweetcorn pie....
Saturday - Sloppy Joes....
Sunday - A Fry up! Sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes, beans and toast....

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Some real treats on there, yum!

    Enjoy your week.


  2. I love homemade fried rice. I'll be having mine Saturday x

  3. Sounds interesting your bargains and changes you've made I look forward to your post :)

    I keep planning to do a meal plan for the week will have start, I like the sound of your weekly menu xx

    1. The post is Taking forever to dye everything

  4. That all sounds so tasty! Very jealous of the fry up..will have to add that for next week I think! x

    1. Nothing better than a good fry up....Stuff the healthy eating....hehehe

  5. I love the sound of the tuna bruschetta.
    We do like tuna here.
    Cant wait to hear about your bargains x

  6. i'm useless, we are useless at weekly meal planning, the intention is there but we tend to go off piste too much. what's a sloppy joe?
