Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Unbirthday presents!

A new survey has revealed that millions of children get a bonus birthday present on their siblings birthday - receiving an 'Unbirthday present' to open so they don't feel left out on their brother or sister's special day.

The study of 2,000 parents found that 45% of buy their children birthday presents on their siblings' birthdays, as well as their actual birthday.

 When I was a child if it was my brothers birthday I would get a few presents and he would on mine.....As we got older in the teenage years when it was my brothers birthday he would get £50 and I would get £25! I think we were spoilt rotten!!

My girl's birthdays are 12 days apart so we have always explained to them that there birthday will be soon or they've just had it....

I think even if there birthdays were six months apart the still wouldn't be getting presents....They get more enough throughout the year...

I don't think there is anything wrong with one child being center of attention for one day a year....It's their birthday!! I'd hate to take that special feeling away from one of my girls just because one of them may be jealous!!

Do you buy 'unbirthday present's on your child's siblings birthday?


  1. We don't buy siblings a present! My 3 have always understood that it's their brother/sisters day & they get spoilt on their birthdays, where do you draw the line anyway, do you give them presents when it's your birthday?

  2. Yes - I am very guilty of this one. When the kids were small they didn't quite understand why the other was getting pressies when they weren't, even after explaining the whole birthday concept. They're now 11 and 14 and still get 'unbirthday' pressies. I think it's nice actually - and it stops jealousy and other children feeling left out :-)

    1. It is nice but we just can't afford it with their birthdays being so close together and the expense of going back to school....

  3. wow - we never had this! Sounds expensive! lol x

    1. I know! Imagine having more than a couple of kids....Could get very expensive!

  4. No we don't buy sibling presents. Abby's birthday is 2 months after Christmas and they would have been spoiled rotten already. And as you said, it's ok to make the child feel special on their birthday! I also use it as a chance to teach them that just because someone got something doesn't mean that they should too. Looking back at their birthdays, they are more than happy to help each other unwrap presents and share the toys.

    Parents shouldn't feel the need to overly protect children's feelings, the World is harsh and pampering them now isn't gonna help them in the future x

  5. We don't do sibling presents but ours our very little and are still happy to be fobbed off with a bit of cake. Something to think about, though! Great post.

  6. I do but my boys are only two and three at the moment and trying to explain to a two year old is too hard I wont do it as they get older and both understand!
