Monday, 23 September 2013

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

What a fab week we had last week with our meals...We tried a few new ones....Carrot & Orange soup & Chicken & mango risotto....They went down really well and I will be making them both again!! Lots of people commented and tweeted me about the Chicken & mango risotto so next time I make it I will take photos and blog about it! I don't know why I never did last week...I take photos of everything

I think on Saturday I'm going to do some baking with the kids so they can make their own tea....Home made pizza with lots of yummy cakey treats for pudding!!

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Roast Chicken with lots of mash, veg & gravy....
Tuesday - Chicken Pasta Bake....

Wednesday - Corned beef pie, chips and beans....
Thursday - Scrambled eggs & ham on toast....
Friday -
Baked bean stew....
Saturday - Homemade pizza....
Sunday -
Toad in the hole, mash & veg....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M & her #mealplanningmonday linky... 


  1. I keep meaning to join in with meal planning monday - I generally have a meal plan for the week. Baked bean stew sounds quick and easy.

  2. Definitely look forward to reading about the chicken and mango risotto!

  3. I'd like to know more about the chicken and mango risotto too. The corned beef pie sounds very tempting.

  4. I really love how you do this, may take a few of these ideas so thank you x

  5. Mmmm, toad in the hole, mash and veg sounds like perfect comfort food. Do you have a spare place at the dinner table.......:-)
