Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Speed up the morning routine!

On a morning we always used to be in a mad rush finding misplaced bags or shoes....Becky too busy watching tv....Ellie eating her breakfast at a snails pace....

Here's some idea's to speed the morning routine up a bit!!

 Get a Timer!

If you have a child who can easily spend fifteen minutes in a shower or take five minutes to put on one sock, try using a timer to get your slow coach on the move....Kids naturally love to make a game out of things....If you challenge them to beat the clock, they'll be less likely to daydream and become distracted while getting ready...My two girls are so competitive....They like to beat the clock!

Stick to regular morning routines!

Sticking to the same morning routine day after day will speed things up because they will be more likely do what they need to do without any reminders. Our routine is get out of bed, get washed, get dressed, have breakfast, teeth brushed, coats on and out the door! As long as we stick to it...It works brilliantly!!

Check out the weather forecast the night before!
That way, you can make sure the wellies, umbrellas and coats are ready by the door if the forecast calls for rain or thick coats if the temperatures are supposed to drop....

Pack up beforehand!

Have your child get their school bag ready the night before. Homework, library books, anything that needs to be taken to school should be in their bag...Designate a spot near the door for bags, shoes and jackets....

Make lunches ahead of time!

Sandwiches can easily be made the night before. You can also put fruit, cheese, drinks water bottle, or whatever else will be going into the lunch bag together on a shelf in the fridge. That way, you can save precious extra time by not having to look for each item in the morning.


  1. Good tips - I find going to bed and hour earlier to get up an hour earlier works miracles too!

  2. Excellent tips. I am trying to make our mornings easier and less painful, otherwise I may end up in the funny farm! :)

    1. Our mornings are still crazy but every little

  3. Ps I have shared this on Pinterest, hope you don't mind?

  4. Packing lunches and putting everything by the door the night before really used to make school mornings run so much more smoothly for us. Great tips :-)

  5. I am so stealing that timer idea, I think my competitive daughter would fall for that one! x

  6. Some great tips, I will be reading this again when Libby gets to school age! Thanks for linking up to my blog too :)

  7. I have a set of times that I try to stick to. Up by x, sandwiches made by y. If I stick to it, it all works. It involves much nagging though.

    1. Ohh we have the nagging too....I think my fave words in a morning is 'we're going to be late, hurry up! Glad to say we've never been late for school in about 5 years!! :)

  8. checking the weather forecast is a good idea. would have helped this morning when I realised the raincoats were in the car, which my husband had gone to work in. A frantic scramble for something to wear ensued......
